This is an update of the blog I’ve written about the activism of several targeted individuals. I noticed an increase in volume of exposure of these crimes and at the same time an increase of “diversionary news/propaganda” by the mainstream media and the perpetrators. As of mid 2011, the most notable diversions were: the changing young faces in the British Monarchy, the well-planned staged election in Canada, the on-going participants of many NATO member countries in on-going war in the West, same-sex marriage recognition in NY, the riots in Vancouver (where the mainstream media focused their attention to a kissing couple instead of the real issue), and the noticeable complacency of Canadians dealing with the human rights violations during the 2010 G8/20 riots. All of these stories diverts the masses’ attention to the on-going OSEH crimes specifically the human rights related violations (i.e.: invasion of privacy, physical assaults, intrusion of individual’s own mind, stalking related activities) that are perpetrated to ordinary citizens knowingly and unknowingly. I came to a temporary conclusion that people seems to be desensitized or misinformed about the gravity of OSEH crimes. Partly to blame are the media who for instance, didn’t even give any attention to several targeted individuals who on May 18, 2011 in New York, spoke at President Obama’s Commission of Bio-ethic Committee Meeting, asking the commission to take a deep look at the present human experimentation that are going on globally. Instead the mainstream media seems to be more interested in one of Charlie Sheen’s live-in girlfriends leaving him or the latest celebrity break-ups. These blog update focuses on targeted individuals who helped me with my own re-education about these phenomenon. I listed them below so that others can learn and make their own opinion. At the same time, to give them (the TIs) thanks for their courage in exposing the crimes. Their activism will help other TI and other uninformed targets. To the fellow TI, remember: “Anyone who nonconsensually violates your brain/mind/mentation using Mengele-like methods is a Nazi pig. You do not care what a Nazi pig thinks. You do not care about a Nazi pig’s opinions. You do not respond to a Nazi pig ridiculing you, threatening you, trying to distract you, or otherwise trying to manipulate you. You work to get a Nazi pig hanged.” – Allen Barker, NPT Theorem.
Tracy Givens (Fort Worth, Texas)
Givens is an activist and targeted individual from Fort Worth, Texas. In his blog he described his life: "The things you read in my harassment logs might sound crazy and to be honest, if it was not happening to myself, I would have a hard time relating, but this is what I am being forced to deal with as a result of my divorce, and is complex to say the least...I am a victim of Gang Stalking and Electronic Harassment living in the Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas area. This type of harassment is being enacted upon me as revenge due to a divorce back in 1992 and has been on going since 1993 to this point which is Oct. 2010 where it still continues...These attacks have left a radiation burn on my neck and testicles and forced me to have surgery in 2007 to repair damage to my eyes. Other possible damage from these attacks include kidney, liver, heart, bowels, nerves system. I use the word possible here as more medical evidence is needed to rule out other causes for heath issues I am experience in these areas such as hemorrhaging, rapid heart rate, sleepless-ness, problems urinating and more, which unlike the above mentioned has been documented already. They have enacted a massive character attack against me in hopes of causing some form of break down or worse, suicide..." (myspace) ALSO: You Tube; blog 1 2 3; article
Chris J. Brunson (Fayetteville, North Carolina)
Brunson aka Qolspony is an activist and targeted individual from Fayetteville, North Carolina. In his web-site he described his activism: "Government Sponsored Stalking GSS is a NO nonsense website covering the issues that mean the most to Americans. Our constitution is in jeopardy of being replace and our basic rights will be lost forever. As a victim of 24/7 surveillance, electronic harassment, mind control, gang stalking and food/water contamination, I know it more than anyone else that if this trend continues, we will loose everything we take for granted today. This is why GSS is on the forefront in exposing government corruption, which is the crust of what is happening and why it is important that activism groups join forces. It might mean putting our difference aside just for the sake of future generations who have a right to live in a world free from satanic governments. If you believe in this message, join me in making this possible. You can reach me at anyone of my affiliates. Just understand that it will take more than talking to bring America back to its glory." (Governent Sponsored Stalking) ALSO: fb; You Tube; twetter; site; group; forum; audio
Monika Stoces (Antwerpen, Belgium)
Stoces is an activist and targeted individual from Antwerpen, Belgium. In his blog post she described her targeting: "...I have been a target consciously since 2005 I realize this was going on much longer in my life without my knowledge. Mijn Naam is Monika Stoces, ik ben geboren in praag 1964, en sinds 1968 woon ik in Belgie,en bezit de Belgische nationaliteit. Studie Filosofie / vocaliste Jazz / Actie buurtcomite rosse buurt toffe buurt. Antwerpen. In 2005 werd ik overvallen door een ongelooflijke beangstigende ervaring, die ik alleen kan toeschrijven aan technologie. Mijn electronica begon vreemd te doen, op de computer verschenen gesimuleerde foutmeldingen, persoonlijke boodschappen, en ik werd overvallen door pijn, angst, 3Dbeelden van mensen die ik ken, zware overdreven gevoelens, en zeer bizarre en levendige dromen en ongelooflijke zware seksuele en emotionele manipulatie. Ik geloof dat deze technologie bijna oneindige mogelijkheden heeft het bewustzijn te controleren, slaap-waak ritme, honger en kou, aantrekkeing of aversie tov smaken geuren mensen en seks. Manipulatie van gedrag, analyse van oogbewegingen, en sturen van motoriek. Eveneens in interactie hiermee, controleert deze technologie alle electronische toestellen en communicatie. Ik realizeer me stilaan dat het gaat om de zwaarste schendingen van de mensenrechten de laatste decenia. Ik vraag een internationaal onderzoek, naar technologische misdaden tegen de mensheid. I do realize these are the biggest violations of human rights the past decades..." (blogspot) ALSO: group; forum; You Tube
Soleilmavis (China)

Connie Marshall (Louisville, Kentucky)

Bernd Seiffert is pyshiatric victim, human rights activist, and targeted individual from Germany. According to Martin Bott whose brother was also assassinated, Seiffert was silenced because of his vocal activism against the tortures of psychiatric patients (READ MORE). ALSO: video 2 3
Stratton is an activist and a targeted individual since 1995 from California. Her activism is motivated by her children, she doesn't want her children to experience the targeting "...They know what you do inside your house. You are being monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week." the State Capitol last summer, Mary Ann Stratton rallied with dozens of other Californians who say it's happening to them through ultra frequency radio waves. "The pain was unbelievable, enough to make you pass out. If you've ever broken a bone, you know what that type of pain is." ...After our interview, Stratton said the government made her throat swell so she would have trouble talking to us..." (Do You Believe in Government Mind Control?) ALSO: web-site; audio 1 2 3 4; article audio
Jesus Mendoza
(Mission, Texas)
Mendoza is a whistle blower, law practitioner, activist and targeted individual from Mission Texas. He and his family suffered from electronic attacks particularly radiations after he blew the whistle on a corrupt law school where he was a [Dean's list] student. The U.S. government, in court, admitted they had Jesus under "electronic surveillance" but would not admit to the assault on Jesus' body, or the torture of his children (Raven1)
(Sacramento, California)
Welsh is founder and director of "Mind Justice," a human rights group, law graduate, an activist and a targeted individual from California. In a rare CNN interview she explained: "...It is very hard to explain to people, for people to understand. I will give you an example of how I concluded that government experimentation may have been involved, or somebody was outside manipulating these things. I believe that the government has the technology to read your mind remotely. I came to that conclusion, besides a whole series of things, was everytime I smiled the telephone would ring. That would be one example of what they do. Very Pavlovian kinds of situations like that to where you could conclude that everytime you smiled, something like that happened in a highly significant amount. I also found that people were acting strangely. If I went to the grocery store, having twenty people being mean to you in one day you take notice. It did not happen in my normal life. Or have twenty people swearing, spitting, twenty people drop their keys. I knew something out of the ordinary was happening, it's very hard to explain...Logically, that you are having mental problems. If you feel the government is after you that is just a classic symptom of mental illness. So, you have to be very careful about what you say and how you say it and if you say it to a mental health professional. They do not check out your facts, they come to their conclusions based on their DSM III, a diagnostic manual. If you say I think the government is after me and they read my brain remotely like a computer screen, you are not going to get the benefit of the doubt, they have a bias that you just cannot overcome..." READ MORE ALSO: web-site; article 1 2; video
Crawford is an activist and targeted individual from Michigan. She described her targeting: "...This experience has affected me (financially, psychologically, emotional, physically) and the mental distress on me, my kids, and my family alone as been astronomical. And what roles my so call friends played, etc.. I have never consented to this behavior taken place so I don’t understand why one of the women from the Union or Insurance Company would actually ask why didn’t I do anything to AT&T formally known as SBC Ameritech Telephone Company in conjuction with A. J. Etkin Skanska Construction employees when they originally committed the crimes against me. For one, I did not know to what degree these crimes was taking place, I also went to the police department, FBI, EEOC, and hired an investigator which lead no where. Then I also sought help from the legal community which has also been prevented by my attackers..." (READ MORE ALSO: web-site; law; video 1 2
Robinson is activist, ex-navy officer, and a targeted individual from Cincinnati, Ohio. He studied at Ohio Wesleyan University and knows Hebrew and Spanish. His targeting started in 1982 after leaving the navy. He seek help and discovered individuals who are experiencing the same via internet Yahoo group. In 2004, the group was led by a woman named Sylvia. She led the group and created the weekly conference call that targeted individuals can call and share information and network. After two months, Sylvia according experience and severe retaliatory attacks from her handler (perpetrators) and eventually disappeared from the group. Sylvia's leadership led Robinson into active activism and advocy and when Sylvia started to miss the conference, he slowly took over the leadership of the group, that is now called FFCHS or Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance. Now the president, FFCHS is an organization for targeted individuals and human rights supporters whose main activities are networking, activism, and advocacy (MORE INFO (audio)) ALSO: web-site; fb; article 1 2 3 4; video 1 2 3; audio 1 2
- Putting Faces to the TI Phenomenom
- A Practical Survival Guide to OSEH
- Directed-Energy Harassment Defense
- Electronic Harassment
- Electromagnetic fields from non-ionising electromagnetic radiation
- Electromagnetic fields and public health
- Electronic Surveillance Project
- Microwave Harassment and Mind control Experimentation
- Artificial Telepathy 101
- War at Home by Brian Glick
- David Lawson's Investigation Into Organized Stalking
- Innocent Texas Citizen Targeted With Deadly Electronic Weapons
- Direct Energy Weapons, Mind-Control and the CIA Torture Matrix
- Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) and Targeted Individuals (TIs)
- Video: Pain Ray Zaps Through Windows, Fries Sailors
- Scalar Wars
- Beam Me Up Some Power
- Out-of-Synch Satellite and Terminal Programs Cost Pentagon Millions
- Symptoms of Electrosensitivity (VIDEO)
- Population Control & Microwave Radiation (VIDEO)
- Digital Portable Phones and Microwave Radiation on the Electrosensitive (VIDEO)
- Microwave radiation dangers in your home (VIDEO)
TI - Targeted Individual is a person being targeted with OSEH by a group of individuals called "perps," short for perpetrators for the purpose of human experimentations.
OSEH - Organized Stalking Electronic Harassment are methods use by perps in targeting a specific person for the purpose of inducing harm and possibly death.
DEW - Direct Energy Weapons are device used for OSEH purposes, weapons can be microwave with pulp frequencies, v2k or other electronic and hearing devices.
V2K - voice to skull device is a weapon use for transmitting voices with low or high frequencies. Voices can be for commands or harassments attacks that may look like the TI's own voice. V2K can also use to induce or manipulate dreams or to deprived TI sleeps.