"Anyone who nonconsensually violates your brain/mind/mentation using Mengele-like methods is a Nazi pig. You do not care what a Nazi pig thinks. You do not care about a Nazi pig's opinions. You do not respond to a Nazi pig ridiculing you, threatening you, trying to distract you, or otherwise trying to manipulate you. You work to get a Nazi pig hanged." - Allen Barker, NPT Theorem

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

All about the Perpetrators

From Stop Covert War web-site

What is a Perpetrator?  - A Perpetrator is anyone who has been trained to harass, torture, maim, and kill a Target, either by direct means, or by covert means including, electronic, biological, or accidental means. Career perps make a good living dealing misery to hapless individuals. Perps usually do not know the victim personally, but are supplied enough information to allow a well oiled campaign of gang stalking and harassment.

How may a perpetrator be identified? - Mostly by their actions. If the Perps are doing their job, they will reveal themselves. Look for the following:
  • Irrational Hatred: Hatred of the Target for no rational reason. When pressed as to why they hate the Target, the Perp will give a really lame excuse like: “I don’t like your luggage.” Or something else just as stupid and illogical. The Perp is not going to tell the Target the real reason because they are being paid to hate the target. It is that particular Perp’s job assignment to hate the Target. That is how they earn their paycheck. This can be inconsequential unless that Perp happens to be married to the Target’s best friend or a family member. The ultimate goal is to destroy the Target’s relationship with that person and isolate the Target from friends and family. Eventually, this will work in most cases.

  • Hidden Agenda: Perps pretend to be going about doing ordinary things; however, careful observation will reveal a different agenda than most folks. Perps follow the Target into a place of business, then spend most of the time crowding the Target’s space, and sometimes wind up doing very little business with the establishment. The Perp’s follow the Target out the door and appear to leave. Observation sometimes reveals, they circle the block and come back, as that establishment is their assignment for a period of time that day.

  • Visage devoid of soul: The longer a perp has been in this vile business, the less human they become. This is especially true of those who have made this their life-long career. Career Perps are required to do evil to Targets everyday without feeling remorse. This is a job requirement and inevitably results in a hardened, cold face, lacking in compassion. Some of the Targets report this as being most helpful in early identification of Perps.

  • Secret Hand signs: Careful observation reveals the perps may use hand signs to communicate with each other. A sign that has been used repeatedly is bringing the had up to cover the nose and mouth, then back down again. It is made to look like the perp is scratching his nose but what it really means is: Heads up! The target is approaching and is right behind me.

  • Unnecessary Rudeness: Perps will consistently engage in rude behavior directed toward the target. “Street Theater”, usually involving invasion of space, is a daily occurrence. Every retail establishment, parking lot, post office, Doctor’s office, has it’s own assigned cadre of perps to do the dirty work. Regardless of the time of day, perp gangs crowd in line at cash registers just ahead of the target and usually have a credit card that does not work, a price that needs to be checked, or simply engage the checker in endless conversation. The result is a lot of wasted time.

Who are the Perpetrators? - Perps who apply for the job: Perps who apply are usually people who can’t find a real job. They just don’t have what it takes to succeed on their own. Perps don’t have to be smart. Anyone can be a Perp and make easy money, all they have to do is: a. Follow orders; b. Never admit the truth. This type of perp usually does not advance, but will, nonetheless; have job security for as long as the American people continue to believe that this kind of harassment is nothing but paranoid delusion reported by a few loonies.

Perps who are recruited for the job: Anyone can be recruited. Many people turn to the dark side and join this vast network of evil. Homeless people, rich people, retarded people, addicts, alcoholics, young, old, geniuses, morons, people of any profession, people of all faiths and persuasions. Anyone desiring a place in this dark madness may have one. The most disappointing and pathetic of all are the christians. There are a quite a lot of “pretend-a-christians” involved in this conspiracy who have been tricked into joining. These Pretend-a-Christians attend more Perp meetings than Christian meetings and go about the day serving the dark side by heaping misery on Targeted Individuals. Convinced that Christians are god’s chosen; and therefore, chosen to decide who is undesirable and who isn’t and who will live and who will die. How this is done is inconsequential. These type of Perps mean well but will continue to do evil until they truly find God.

Perps who enjoy sado-machostic activities: This type of Perp has found Perpdom to be the fulfillment of a life long dream. How else can anyone commit trespass, burglary, slander, vandalism, terrorism, drugging, rape, abduction, and even murder without being called to task? This power hungry Perp enjoys inflicting pain on the target and feeds off their fear. This Perp definitely has a life long career in perpdom and will advance far up the ladder to become part of the management team.

The disgruntled ex-husband or ex-boyfriend: Increasing numbers of callers have indicated that their ex-husbands and ex-boyfriends are targeting them for breaking up with them. Usually, the actual harassment is done by a group of thugs hired by the ex-boyfriend or ex-husband so he will not have to “get his hands dirty” or risk arrest for the illegal activities. Reports of revenge for hire groups are increasing as more and more people become targeted.

How could anyone be “forced” into Perpdom? - Anyone can be tricked into joining in the torture of the Targets by the following means:

Lies: The newly recruited Perp is told the Target is a drug pusher, terrorist, homosexual, socialist, jew, muslim, Democrat, etc. It is easy to find out where the new Perp’s “hot buttons” are and push them in order to motivate them to do things that may be against their moral beliefs. The information may not be conveyed directly, but rather inferred. Even so, this will work on a subliminal level until finally, in the Perp’s mind, the Target is trash and therefore, does not deserve to live. Perps are brainwashed to believe “the end justifies the means”, that is, some people will have to be done away with in order to make the world a better place for all to live. The message is “we know what is best for society and what kind of person deserves to live in the new world order.” How this is done is inconsequential.

Co-ercion: Threats to the person or their family members, pets, or friends. Usually this does not come in the form of a direct verbal threat. Threats can be implied. The death of a pet, terrorist break-ins, street theater continually crowding the Targets space or implying threats. At least one really good person became real co-operative and joined this evil network after his daughter was involved in a suspicious car wreck. Seems the guy crossed two lanes of traffic to hit her. Perps are also able to infiltrate and cause on the job harassment, sabotage of work, loss of job, and blacklisting so that regardless of the qualifications, the Target cannot find employment.

Either-OR: Either you work for us or you are going to jail. The number of Perps forcibly recruited in this manner is not known. Some of our callers report that a background check on the Perps will often result in the discovery of a criminal record. These Perps usually start out as informants, and advance into street theater if they can stay out of trouble. That is why some of the Perps appear to have been drug addicts with no history of legal employment. Recruiters have found a gold mine in the mandatory sentencing laws for minor drug offenses. Of course, these involuntary Perps will never be free. They will serve a lifetime of perpdom because anyone who tries to leave, will meet with an “accident” or die of “natural causes.”

Who would want this job? - Perps are often recruited from broken Targets who finally just give up after months or years of harassment and veiled threats to their family and friends. Usually, the Target cannot hold a job due to continual Perpetrator influence; ie, infiltration of the job site, sabotage, continual vandalization of the Target’s mode of transportation, etc. It is easier to join evil than to resist. Eventually, for some perps, evil becomes fun, a high, and they are turned forever to the dark side.

Why would anyone want to be a perpetrator? - Most new Perps are in it for the money and training for a new career. They have a sense of belonging to an elite group, privy to information that others do not have. They may be told they are ridding the world of “undesirables” (people with unconventional attitudes). As they work their way from informant to orchestrator, Perps become privy to more and more information. They are carefully groomed and hardened so that as they inflict more and more pain on the Targeted Individuals, they feel no remorse. Perps are convinced Targets are just dumb smucks who don’t deserve to live anyway.

No doubt there are many perps who think they can avoid becoming a target if they co-operate and join the ranks of the secret gangs trained in this line of work. What they don’t know is that we are getting an increasing number of calls from survivors who have observed some of the perps are targets themselves. Looks like some of the perps are becoming aware that joining the evil will not protect them from becoming a target. Perps are trained not to question why someone is undesirable, only to follow orders and observe the rules of secrecy. Therefore, it does not matter what kind of person the Perp is asked to target, the Perp is to obey without question. Perps are trained in street theater, and become informants, then agent provocateurs, then move up to orchestrator. The longer a Perp has been in the program, the less conscience and humanity the Perp will retain. Long time Perps are usually easy to identify. The daily schedule of continous evil doing eventually leaves them with a visage devoid of soul.

Convinced they are part of an elite group whose destiny it is to shape the world into what they have been brainwashed to believe is a better place, Perpetrators are willing to do anything for the cause. Even murder, so long as they can’t be caught. This is easily accomplished with Directed Energy Weapons. These devices can be directed to single out one person, causing sleep depravation and permanent damage to the body. Eventually the Target dies, apparently from natural causes. The perfect crime has been committed. No one really knows how many victims the Perps have killed because most Doctors cannot recognize the symptoms of Directed Energy Weapons (DEW).

Source: Stop Covert War  To Read the complete Article, CLICK HERE

Frequently Asked Question Related to Perpetrator - (composite discussions Eleanor White, owner of Multistalkervictim.org website, had with various members of the public about organized stalking and electronic harassment)

Who are these “networked groups” of perpetrators? - The perpetrators are represented by all age ranges, career paths and economic circumstances. From workers in all trades, up to high officials, and down to the homeless. Housewives, children, seniors, and the disabled all play a part. There seem to be two classes of perpetrator, those who carry out in-person harassment, and the operators of the electronic harassment equipment. While we know very little about the internal workings of these groups, a private detective who infiltrated the in-person stalking groups found no evidence the community level perpetrators were involved with electronic harassment.

Do these groups carry out stalking full time? - For the in-person stalkers, generally no. They take turns, so that no one perp will do enough to the target on any one day that they could be prosecuted.  It is very difficult to prove blame when large numbers of people take turns with harassment. According to David Lawson, the private investigator who infiltrated community-level stalking groups both in the U.S. and Canada, each perp may harass a number of different targets. Some do this by taking time from their regular jobs, and others are unemployed, and receive minor payments and favours in return for their “work.” We have no information on the electronic harassment operators, and they may well be operating at some distance from the target.

Why on Earth would networked stalking groups be set up in the first place? - David Lawson’s investigation, which was spread out over 12 years, did not extend above the community level. The leaders kept themselves at arm’s length with the group members, and made vague hints that they had some connection with “government” or “intelligence.” So the honest answer is that we don’t know why these stalking groups were set up, or what their future goals are. Looking at history, though, while dictators are making their way to the top, they often recruit thugs among the people to help them get into power, and then stay in power. It is possible they are part of a move to the next major dictatorship going on behind the scenes now. If the organized stalking groups are a symptom of a dictatorship in the making, it appears that the emerging dictator wants to keep a very low profile for the moment, as these groups put a great deal of planning into staying nearly invisible.

How do they “stay invisible?”- With the community-level stalking, they carefully choose harassment methods that look like the normal “breaks of life” everyone experiences — once in a while. The difference for organized stalking targets is that these “normal breaks” start happening several times a day, as opposed to several times a year. Because the harassment attacks are copied from “life’s normal breaks,” a target complaining of them will be told “That happens all the time.” If the target persists, the outcome is predictable – the target will be diagnosed as mentally ill. The perfect cover for the perpetrators. With the electronic harassment, that is silent and can be administered through the target’s wall, from a neighbouring house or apartment. If the target manages to get a technician to check for unusual signals, the signals are stopped during the technician’s visit. The signals are not continuous. They are sent in short bursts and are often used to prevent sleep. The planning and execution of the organized stalking and electronic harassment attacks is extremely professional.

Are you saying that ordinary people from the community participate in these crimes? - Yes, the average community level perpetrator is indistinguishable from your friends and neighbours. In fact, they ARE your friends and neighbours. Private investigator David Lawson discovered that lies about the target – including showing fake criminal records – are part of what motivate the perpetrators. Many community level perpetrators believe they are helping law enforcement “keep criminals in check.” Lawson also found out that while a “cause” – like community crime prevention – might have been the reason some people are recruited, another very strong reason the perpetrators stay at the crime is that they enjoy the camraderie and approval of their colleagues. Eventually, Lawson reported, the feeling of belonging becomes a very powerful influence. Remember, too, that no one perpetrator “does that much” to any one target. They don’t see all the unending harassment, day and night, at home, in the community, and at work, which a target experiences. So community level perpetrators don’t feel as much guilt as a determined single stalker might.

Why would OS (organized stalking) group leaders spread lies about targets? - That question is often hard to answer. In some cases, targets know why they were enrolled in this lifetime harassment program. For example they may have been:

  • a government or corporate whistleblower

  • a party in a large inheritance dispute

  • an activist who opposes the power elite

  • a party in a hostile divorce, for example a wife who turns her pedophile husband in to the authorities

  • a party to a hostile business relationship
But a large percentage, I’d guess maybe 70% of targets, do not know what got them enrolled in the lifetime harassment system. Personally, I can’t help thinking this may be a symptom of some sort of dictatorship in the making. There are historical similarities.

What are some of the “life’s normal breaks” used by the community stalking groups?

  • noise – repeating just often enough that the target can never be assured of peace, at home or even at work, but not so often that others will see the noise as exceptional; especially when targets attempt to sleep or take a daytime nap

  • entry to premises, home, car and workplace – when the target is absent, and leaving small (but noticeable) amounts of dirt, cigarette butts, or pennies around; moving objects or furniture out of place; stealing small value items and returning some after the target has replaced them; ripping of clothing; breaking of furniture; sometimes actually replacing clothing with similar items of the wrong size

  • sabotage of electrical, electronic, or mechanical appliances – “accidentally” running a car out of a side street and stopping halfway in the oncoming lane

  • small damage “accidents” – obviously set up to the target but impossible to convince others was a setup strangers saying things indicating they know about private activities of the target, such as what they had for supper the previous night

  • synchronized movement on foot - an apartment neighbour exits his apartment at precisely the same time as the target, over and over and over; frequently walking along the opposite side of a street in perfect pace with the target repeatedly, well beyond what chance would allow for packing small stores just ahead of targets; repeatedly, especially when targets are coming home from work, delaying a target by several “customers” fussing over lottery tickets

  • theft of mail - stealing and/or removing mail from a target’s mail box and scattering it over the target’s porch or yard

  • trash - dumping of trash or dog feces on the lawn of a target’s home

  • box - groups who “box the target in” on highways during commutes to and from work; this is especially common when a target follows a predictable schedule and route driving so as to put the target in actual danger of collision with other vehicles or running off the highway

  • To read the complete information about this discussion, CLICK HERE
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