"Anyone who nonconsensually violates your brain/mind/mentation using Mengele-like methods is a Nazi pig. You do not care what a Nazi pig thinks. You do not care about a Nazi pig's opinions. You do not respond to a Nazi pig ridiculing you, threatening you, trying to distract you, or otherwise trying to manipulate you. You work to get a Nazi pig hanged." - Allen Barker, NPT Theorem

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

James Bartley

most important revelation - "...These concepts and ideas are spawned by the interdimensional reptilians and through the “hive consciousness” and in some cases direct telepathic communication, reptilian human hybrids in key positions within the government and scientific community are directed to implement these changes. Ettish discussed the significance of baby’s milk formula and how the alterations in milk have contributed to the diminished brain power of humans. Ettish stated that scientists who refuse to go along with the various programs designed to oppress the human race are eliminated. Ettish described the progression from the microchipped “smart card” which will contain all of our personal information, to the subdermal microchip implant. He says the public will be manipulated into believing that pin numbers are easily stolen and that the only way to make our personal banking, medical and court information secure is by accepting the microchip implant. The Global Elite’s plan to cull the Earth’s human population by at least 80% is a documented fact. Notorious rep hybrid Henry Kissinger stated this fiendish desire in a State Department memo. We have already seen the bitter fruit of this longstanding agenda in the form of designer wars, designer plagues, a medical and pharmaceutical industry that kills countless people, genetically modified food that makes people ill and a global financial system that impoverishes and starves millions of people. Ettish spoke at some length of the plan to depopulate the human population. Ettish is very matter of fact in his descriptions of the reptilian agenda and its malign influence on the human race. Perhaps the most important revelation from Ettish was the existence of a “Spirit Capturing Net” which was created by the reptilians. The spiritual net is designed to capture the spirits of people with a high vibrational frequency. This is a preemptive proactive effort by the reptilians to disrupt the Life Path of potentially troublesome people. An astral reptilian attaches energy “cords” to the main charkas and energy meridians of the targeted person. When the person dies, the Soul is reeled into a containment system rather than be allowed to continue its spiritual journey to the next realm. The system works as a spiritual barrier. Ettish says the reptilians erase past lives from the Akashic Records in order to force the Soul Entity to make the same mistakes he or she made in a past life or lives. Ettish also says that erasing past lives from the Akashic Records can compel people to endure the same health problems or physical infirmities all over again..." (A Book Review of Susan Reed’s “The Body Snatchers”)

human-reptilian hybrids - "...The Reptilians are the principal architects behind the New World Order. They coordinate the global changes they require through their alien vassals as well as through their human-reptilian hybrids who have been placed in important positions within the Global Military/Industrial and Political/Financial Complex. It is beyond the scope of this paper to mention in detail how the reptilian leadership known as the DRACOS (who have wings) has managed to surreptitiously control the Human Race. Suffice it to say that this process is not only global but is multi-dimensional and has been going on for a long time. We are involved in all out Spiritual Warfare on a cosmic and multidimensional scale. To apply New Age "Wisdom" to understand the nature of Spiritual Warfare is akin to military theorist applying Napoleonic tactics to the reality of American Civil War battlefields. Marching in lockstep elbow to elbow with your fellow soldiers to close on an enemy breastwork and fire their muskets in a massed volley on command may have made practical sense during the Napoleonic Wars when the range of the inaccurate smooth bore muskets was a mere 75 yards. On the American battlefields of Shiloh, Antietam, Vicksburg, Franklin, Cold Harbor et al these tactics were suicidal. Yet conventional military wisdom held that the tactics and methods of warfare which held pre-eminence during the revered Napoleon's day, would also apply during an era when the rifled musket was in common usage by both the Union and Confederate Armies. The effective range of a rifled musket was well over three hundred yards. The result was wholesale slaughter for both sides..." ("Alien Civil Affairs Programs")

reptilian propagandists - "...By constantly blaming "the military" and the "globalist industrialist" the reptilian propagandists condition the abductees into believing that ALL human institutions are bad and that the only hope one has to reach the chimerical ": next level of consciousness, evolution, vibratory frequency" et al is to look to the skies towards the same dark gods who are responsible for their current state of spiritual enslavement. Never mind that for the most part these "Globalist and Militarist" are part of the same old fraternal orders which worship the patriarchal serpent gods and in many cases are Hosts for Reptilian entities themselves. (We know people who can actually SEE the reptilian image superimposed upon the features of apparent "people" whether the latter are in public or on CSPAN. Some of them can also "sniff out" shape shifting reptilians because they simply don't smell the way normal humans do. I can feel negative reptilian energy when it's in my presence and I can tell you that Boylan has abusive and nauseating reptilian energy in god-awful abundance)..." (Rebuttal to a Reptile in Human Clothing)

James Bartley is an Abductee who has been exposed to high levels of Spiritual Warfare. He has studied in England and Germany. He is a student of Military History with an emphasis on Intelligence- Counterintelligence and Special Operations. James has worked in the Semiconductor Industry, the Telecommunications Industry and in County Government as an Ombudsmen. James also worked for the Civil Service at a major military command in an Intelligence related capacity. He is a former business owner. Bartley: "...I consider myself a Christian, however I have an implicit belief in Reincarnation. The two are NOT mutually exclusive despite what the religious dogmatists would have us believe. No two people were as well versed with the Old Testament or the New Testament as Edgar Cayce and General George S. Patton. Yet both believed implicitly in Reincarnation and had extremely detailed past life memories...I have had personal encounters with non-human life forms in my home, in my car and on board alien craft after I had been taken "onboard." But the ET experience encompasses far more than just face to face encounters and UFO sightings. The ETs routinely conduct "dream hacking" and create "stage managed dreams" while we are sleeping. Some of these dreams can be highly symbolic in nature or could be efforts at indoctrination and/or training. An abductee could wake up from such "dreams" and feel compelled to tell the world about the wonderful benevolent ETs who are bestowing upon him knowledge and wisdom. This creed is fortified by numerous alien inspired synchronicities...There is not enough quality research being done about reptilians, the ruling reptilian-human hybrid elite and the Reptilian Overlordship in general. Likewise there is not enough research done on Milabs or the various and sundry ways ETs utilize abductees. There needs to be more written about the deep black interaction between non-human entities and human military/scientific/medical personnel. If 90 % of all UFO researchers stopped researching, we wouldn’t miss anything. Most researchers don’t even see a connection between UFOs, Aliens and the reptilians in particular with the New World Order. Some researchers and abductees have been manipulated into promoting the New World Order without even realizing it..." (Whale)

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