"Anyone who nonconsensually violates your brain/mind/mentation using Mengele-like methods is a Nazi pig. You do not care what a Nazi pig thinks. You do not care about a Nazi pig's opinions. You do not respond to a Nazi pig ridiculing you, threatening you, trying to distract you, or otherwise trying to manipulate you. You work to get a Nazi pig hanged." - Allen Barker, NPT Theorem

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Internal Controls

Here is a remarkable and powerful book. Save it. Copy it. Give it to friends and therapists for compassionate work. You now have in your hands the very tools that can deprogram the dream. Once you know this, and you absorb its implications, you can no longer be blind folded. By reading this, you may be helping millions of monarch slaves . These techniques only work by our ignorance of knowing them. Herein, let us apply the Heart to the mind, and awaken a Middle Way, by infiltrating another piece of the cancer of sleep, as All Is God in Action.

Dedication: This book is dedicated to the two million Americans and counting who have been programmed with Monarch-type trauma-based mind control. This book is written to destroy trauma-based mind control before it destroys the human race. It’s time for this horrendous secret to end. Blood, sweat and tears are associated with this book. The blood of the innocent victims of this mind-control cries out in a single unison, along with the pungent sweat of those who have tried to minister help to the shattered humanity left by the sadistic programmers, and the pools of tears shed as this book was written, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, do you not judge and avenge our blood on earth?”

WARNING: Read this first before continue readting. If there is any chance you the reader have had mind-control done to you, you must consider the following book to be DANGEROUS. If you are consulting a therapist for DID (also known as MPD), it is recommended that you consult your therapist before reading this book. The complications that could result for those under mind control learning the truth–could be fatal. The co-authors take no responsibility for those who read or misuse this information. The reader’s mind is like a garden. It may not be time to plant the truth in your mind. Perhaps you need some weeding or ground preparation, before the garden of your mind is ready. Perhaps the weather is too stormy to plant the truth. The blessings that flow from planting the information of this book in your mind, will require the presence of living waters of love. If you do not have love in your heart, this book is not for you. The information contained in this book is the biggest news-story of the 20th century, and still the biggest secret. It will challenge you, shock you, horrify you and hopefully motivate you to redouble your efforts to humble yourself and seek strength from God.

The programming procedures which are described in this book are based on research and consultation with deprogrammers, ex-programmers, therapists, counselors and pertinent literature. To the best of our knowledge the statements made in this book are factual, although they may not reflect the latest or currently accepted methodology among each and every faction of the New World Order which carries out Monarch-type programming. This book tends to devote more emphasis to Illuminati programming, which is the highest level of programming. For individual application in understanding a survivor of Monarch programming, therapists are admonished to use this material with consideration for the Monarch victim’s personal case and situation. The authors disclaim any responsibility for therapeutic work based upon this material. Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler have co-authored They Know Not What They Do, An Illustrated Guidebook To Monarch Mind Control. Both Fritz and Cisco bring years of experience in dealing with Monarch programming to bear on the writing of this book. Fritz has researched the Illuminati, while he has worked with victims of its programming. He has authored The Top 13 Illuminati Families, and several other books.


A. Teaching Occult Philosophies - Learning plays an important part in perception. The Programmers try to get their victims to subscribe to philosophies and ideas that will make it hard for them to rebel against their controllers. This is what is termed indoctrination. The same methods of teaching that others find useful are employed. Ways of thinking are incorporated by the slave via handlers, programmers, and the cult they belong to. Everyone tries in their own way to make sense of life. This is a natural brain function, so that the human mind can understand how to deal with the future. The mind takes raw data, and then applies some type of logic, and comes to conclusions. Once accepted these conclusions can be as hard as nails, and they will defy any attempt to change them, even in the light of new evidence. If the Programmer is smart enough, he can get an alter to logically believe anything. Once the belief is embedded, it will remain there tenaciously. In the Illuminati, "great" masters and adepts teach "hidden mysteries". The slave feels the authority that emanates from this teacher with special gifts and abilities. The slave is hardly in a position to question the teachings being given from on high. Circular reasoning, lies, and other tricks are used to convince the person that the occult world is true. For instance, "God abandoned you, therefore you need to cling to us, the only ones who would see any use in you." (The truth is that the cult staged a crisis where their actor playing God abandoned the child to the cult’s abusiveness. The whole event was simply cult abuse--with God taking the blame). "We are trying to fashion a better man, a man with far more capabilities than before, with better genetics. Those who oppose us, are trying to keep humankind back in the dark ages."

This is circular reasoning and outright lies. (They are not interested in helping mankind, only destroying it). To make occult philosophies more palatable, the occult world attacks the character of anyone whose life would dispute their false claims. They also use a great deal of rationalization, where the end justifies the means. Many slaves have had to sit and listen to their masters rationalize their brutality. Within the Illuminati, ranks are achieved with much learning and ritual. Within the Temple of Set, a member is required to read certain books. Fritz, the co-author has a list of books a Temple of Set member is asked to read, with the comments attached by the Temple of Set to each suggested title. In their suggested/required reading Category 19 entitled "The Metamind" is Metropolis by Thea von Harbou. Their comments are "An Expressionistic portrait of a negative utopia in which humans are controlled by machines.. .the basis for many electronic/audio-visual ritual techniques employed by the Church of Satan and further developed by the Temple of Set." (p. C21-2). Another is Physical Control of the Mind: Towards a Psycho-civilized Society by Jose M.R. Delgado. Their comments, "Delgado, Professor of Physiology at Yale University, is one of the most distinguished authorities in the field of Electrical/chemical Stimulation of the Brain (ESB). This book is necessarily dated, but it is so well-written that it deserves to be perused as a preface to more recent works on the subject." (p.C-16?-2).

The Psychology of Anomalous Experience by Graham Reed. Their comments, "This book addresses unusual, irregular, and puzzling experiences- dejí vu, illusions, delusions, hallucinations, etc.-in terms of the mind’s normal psychological processes of gathering, monitoring, processing, and storing information." (ibid). This is just a brief look to illustrate to the reader that leaders of groups like the Temple of Set are avid students of mind-control. (An almost complete membership list of this group at one point in time, is provided in Appendix A). The librarian of the Multnomah County Detention Ctr. shared with co-author Fritz that Sheila, formerly second-in-command of the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh’s commune at Antelope, OR studied, via jail/prison interlibrary loan, books on Hitler’s mind-control techniques. Many other examples could be given of how mind-control is being studied and taught by these groups. One more book on the Temple of Set’s reading list would be worthy to point out, The Psychology of Man’s Possible Evolution by Peter D. Ouspensky. Their comments, "Should be read especially by those members whose magical ability is hampered by flaws in their balance factor....A series of lectures which explain the Gurdjieff approach to the concept better than G. himself was able to do." There is an important link between Gurdjieff, mind-control, MPD, etc. but the subject is big and needs to be further investigated. Co-author Fritz has been investigating this link, including talking with leaders of the most successful Gurdjieff commune. As with so many groups, what you see, is not what you get.

Teaching The Ideologies Of War - One of the ways to control a person is to get them angry and then channel that hate. Wars have been used for centuries by the oligarchies that run things to control their people. Right now, the New World Order is carrying out a Drug War, an Environmental War, and a Bosnian conflict for the express purpose in their own plans to control us. They have a mock-alien invasion planned to further justify more control over our lives. Over the years mankind has created an entire industry around warfare. There are long traditions within military units, that for some reason must be "upheld" by the men who serve in those units. When people buy into the philosophies of war, they can generally be persuaded to give up or do anything to contribute to that war. After all, any sacrifice will be minor compare to the large numbers of bodies that will end up dead. One of the large purposes of the Monarch type of trauma-based mind-control is to produce robotic soldiers who will do anything. Normal military training is usually sufficient for most military needs, so it is clear that Monarch slaves have some ulterior uses that the military doesn’t want the public to know about.

Various Delta Forces - The military as well as other groups have created numerous delta teams, delta forces, delta groups etc.

Delta Assassination Teams - These teams are projects that the Satanic Hierarchy and the CIA collaborated together on. The programming that was placed into people was ingenious and very complex. As the program progressed over the years, the programming became more sophisticated and past mistakes were improved upon. The Delta Teams were programmed to carry out various assignments such as political assassinations. The members of these teams are housewives and other ordinary people who were programmed years ago. The Delta Teams are part of the CIA’s psychic warfare bag of tricks. The CIA works so closely with the military that the Delta Force is easily expected to be tied in with the CIA & U.S. intelligence.

Delta Force - The system tapped Frank Burns to create the Delta Force. Frank Burns was a Green Beret. What kind of things did Frank get involved with AFTER joining the military? Hold on. Frank Burns was an SDS (Students for a Democratic Society--an Illuminati organization) organizer. He was also deep into Zen Buddhism, which is the same as mysticism. Frank Burns as an officer also studied under the Esalen Institute. The Esalen Institute is at Big Sur, California and is the American equivalent of the infamous Tavistock Institute. The Esalen Institute created "sensitivity training" programs for the business world under the title "Organizational Development (OD). Esalen people were brought in to Fort Ord where Frank Burns was the commander and began training people. The army promoted Burns to work in the Chief of Staffs office as a "senior organizational effectiveness consultant", which allowed Burns to introduce Esalen programs all through the army. This could not have accidentally happened. Frank Burns in a conversation with a two-star General about the need for "wholistic" soldiers coined the slogan "Be all that you can be in the army." Burns phraseology began the army’s recruiting slogan. It refers to the Human Potential Movement that the army has incorporated from the New Age movement. The army is moving toward becoming an occult fighting force that practices witchcraft with its warfare. Some of the units moving that direction are Psy-Op operations, which has included Satanists within its officers. The Delta Force network of various Generals and other high ranking officers is merely one facet of the drive by the Illuminati to transform the American army into something akin to occultic warriors that will be as fierce as the Nazi Death head units. Bear in mind that George Bush, commander-in-chief of Burn’s Armed Forces has come from an Illuminati family/ & the Ill. Skull & Bones chapter that was part of the secret support for Hitler. They have been using as an insignia what they themselves (the Skull & Boners) call "the Death Head".

It is not surprising then that support for the Delta Team activities has come from the very top. Frank Burns set out to create a warrior monk. Lt. Col. Jim Channon, in Delta Forces, also put forward the idea. Channon visited more than 130 New Age groups in California doing what was called "social experimentation." It is an idea that the occult have repeatedly carried out. Hitler’s S.S. were a special elite group of warrior monks from which about 3,000 went through religious initiations. (As the war progressed the primary focus of the S.S. shifted from being the Black Order to merely being a reliable military group called the Waffen SS.) There were 3 levels of initiation, the last reserved for the hard-core Satanists at the top. The Nazi initiation seems to have been an attempt to get the force of the Vril. The Ordensburgen (Castles of the Order) were training centers for the elite Nazis, including the S.S. (Having been in the military, I know first hand that the success of the S.S. and Waffen S.S. units in being fierce warriors is attributed by some of our leading military men to their training to be warrior-monks.) One group of the S.S. called Knights of Poseidon volunteered themselves for castration, in an experiment to change them back to the supermen of the mythical and magical Hyperborea. Some of the best Sufi organizations were warrior monks. Burns and his Task Force Delta generated the First Earth Battalion, which is an occult military unit trained in martial arts, and witchcraft. Men who are selected for First Earth Battalion are given an occult initiation which includes the following oath:

"I have the capacity and therefore the duty to contribute to the development of myself, my associates, and our planet, simultaneously now! I take personal responsibility for generating evolutionary conspiracies as a regular part of my work. I will select and create conspiratorial mechanisms that are not costly in time or resources because I am aware of the five channels available to me (such as radio, television, and word of mouth.) I will organize a self-supporting high commando group that will create and perform evolutionary breakthrough actions on behalf of people and planet. One people, one planet. I will then pass this concept on to others who are capable of generating further self-organizing commando teams". What ever happened to defending this nation? Military units such as the First Earth Battalion although they are supported by American tax dollars are not here to protect America. They are global minded. They are here to protect an occult world government. They are out there actively promoting the New World Order. Several years ago, Egendorf states that $4.5 million (which came from you and I, and other Americans) had already been spent on Delta Force’s 80 different projects. The Green Berets is another organization that has been heavily targeted by the Satanists, to indoctrinate and recruit. The Green Berets are increasingly moving toward being warrior-monk group. Many of them are now programmed multiples. One man who is being looked up to by many American Patriots and Christian Patriots as the leader to help them oppose the New World Order is Bo Gritz. He was a recent presidential candidate. Bo Gritz was a Green Beret and a Delta Force commander. Bo Gritz is very proud of the fact that he wrote the manual for the Delta Forces. He also worked for the CIA. Bo Gritz is one of the military’s best programmed multiples, and perhaps one of the most dangerous. Insiders have told me he IS the most dangerous.

Numerous insiders both for and against Bo, have talked about Bo Gritz, and that he is a programmed multiple. According to Bo Gritz’s campaign literature for President he was a commander in Delta Forces. Reproduced on a previous page is Bo’s own presidential campaign literature where he states that he is "Intelligence Officer & Reconnaissance Chief, Delta Force." He is also "Chief, Special Activities, U.S. Army General Staff, the Pentagon" and "Principle Agent, National Security Council, Intelligence Support Activity". Under qualifications Bo states that he is a "Security & Counter-terrorist Specialist." Within the government, they are already referring to Christians who are against the NWO as terrorists. Bo is their greatest counter-intelligence counter-terrorist they have. He came in like a storm and took control of the Patriot movement, and it has been like pulling teeth to warn patriots about who he is. Bo Gritz himself was a Green Beret, and was used to assassinate 300 people. His blood lust caused him at one point during the Vietnam War to shoot 30 prisoners in cold blood.

I also heard Bo talk about say being Temple recommend Mormon. That means he was at that time in good standing with the LDS Mormon church so that he could go to the Temple and participate in its rituals. Those who are alert realize that the temple rituals are like Masonic and Witchcraft rituals. Now he is no longer a Mormon. But he still continues in the military philosophy he believes in. Bo Gritz is going around the nation teaching SPIKE training to anyone who wants martial arts skills. Bo has done an excellent job in identifying for the New World Order every person in the nation who could threaten their plans for a martial law NWO takeover. Bo Gritz likes to call attention that he is one of this country’s foremost counter-terrorist agents. This is true. The New World Order believes patriots and Christians are terrorists, because they stand in the way of the world’s acceptance of their world dictator. Bo Gritz has done a great deal to infiltrate and neutralize the opposition to the New World Order. He has been their best counter-terrorist agent.

B. Internal Computers--Perfect Delegation; Internal Computers Which Auto-Control A Slave - If a master has to constantly spend time whipping and motivating his slave, as well as forever watching that the slave doesn’t escape or do shoddy work, or physically or verbally injure the master, then controlling the slave can end up to be a full time job. When the master gets too much involved in the control process, he ceases to be master, and becomes a slave to the control process. The intelligence agencies knew that they would have to create mind control slaves who could police themselves. If the master has to constantly guard his slave, the slave will be more trouble than he is worth. Many successful people have gained their success because they knew how to delegate. The most successful supervisor is the one who can delegate the best. The programmers had to find ways to cut their supervisory requirements to the bone if they were to make owning a Monarch slave worthwhile. The method chosen was to build "computers" into the slave’s mind that would internally regulate everything. They do this by taking hundreds of the alters and dehumanizing them and turning them into parts of a computer. For instance, the shutter on the All-seeing eye of the computer, which is seen in the mind like a camera shutter, is a child alter who's job is to open and shut. (Another primal part is inside the eye’s pupil.) This shutter part knows what goes on in all the system subconsciously but if discovered by a therapist and pulled to the front of the mind will not be able to vocalize about the system. The software for this "computer" could be programmed into it, and all the individual programming of every alter can then be tied back to the computer. In other words, each alter would be programmed on how to view life, to act, to think, and to function in their job. This programming would be linked to a computer.

The programmers invented the perfect method to decentralize their control over their slaves and yet still supervise with the tightest of control. Each alter is linked to a computer (internal-not an external one) built from a foundation of fear and trauma. Since each section of alters was to remain secret, each section of alters for a slave is given its own computer, and then linking computers were built to link the various sections, and then finally a major backup computer is built, and then finally the internal Beast computer. Bear in mind that this is all built internally in the mind of the victim. We are not talking about actual physical computers built out of physical microchips, wires, condensers etc. If the programmer concentrates on a single point when giving instructions he will get better results. Rather than complicating things for the slave, you gain power over the slave (and any subordinate) if you can give simple clear instructions. For this reason, a large share of the alters in an alter system are given very clear straight forward jobs. Because their jobs are so straightforward, these alters will often remain fragments, rather than alter parts with full blown personalities. The programmers don’t cloud the issue. An undeveloped alter will be given one single clear, basic job. By stringing 1,000’s of alters together with single tasks, a highly sensitive system of alters can be created. Each piece of the System is separated by some degree of dissociation to make it a separate piece. By dividing the mind so much, it is incapable of fighting what has been done to itself. Before we begin describing the technical details of an internal computer, bear in mind that every Monarch System is unique and yet they all follow certain patterns & methodologies. Most of the models for the first few decades follow these patterns, some of the newer ones have more updated imagery.

Power Sources - In an Illuminati System, a computer is created for each section of alters. That computer will be given a "power source", which if unscrewed like a light bulb will go out. The light from one of these power sources might be emerald blue or emerald green or other color. The reader may want to refer to chapter 4 for the codes to understand the structuring of the various computers and systems.

Color Codes And Ribbons - In a standard 13x13x13 Illuminati alter system, 13 colors were used, and each computer was given a color. These would be pink, orange, yellow, white, red, brown, blue, green, black, purple, silver, gold and platinum, and clear. Color programming is reported to have been developed at UCLA. Whatever the case, Systems all over the United States have color programming. The hierarchy of colors in a System is often as follows (from top power down): Platinum, Gold, Silver, Purple, Black, Red, Green, Brown, White, Orange, Yellow, Pink. Clear is also used as a color for secret areas of the system. This hierarchy of color coding can be switched. The internal programmers can reassign colors if they need to, in order to protect the programming. Alters, sections, and parts of the computer are all color coded. The color coding for alters is not the same just because the alters are in the same section. The color coding within the Illuminati Mind Control is fairly consistent, however a sample of an alternative Illuminati color scheme will also be provided. A survey of colors is as follows:
    CLEAR: Secret or shell alters who can take on any color are coded clear. These are alters who serve as images or as a stage for other alters. This would include "Guardian of the Vail" alters.
    GOLD: This color is for the supreme leadership in the System, which includes the Grand Druid Council.
    SILVER: This color is for the Satanic alters who perform high level Satanic rituals. The Mothers of Darkness have silver coding.
    PURPLE: These alters see themselves as the abusers, rather than the Illuminati. These alters were involved with the programming. They have been taught to forget the abuse and to reframe it in their mind as training.
    BLACK: These alters were born out of Satanic ritual, and are Moon children. The Delta and Beta alters are black coded. They do the dirty work for the cult, such as blackmail and assassination.
    RED: These altars see themselves as witches. They were born out of witchcraft ritual, believe they have great spiritual power, and tend to deny that they have been abused.
    GREEN or EMERALD GREEN: These cat altars recognize they have been abused. They still see themselves as belonging to the cult family, and deny that they have been abused to protect their cult family.
    BLUE ALTERS: Clones, armies and the ribbons appear to have blue coding. These alters will go so far as to hurt the body to protect it from leaking information or deprogramming.
    WHITE: These are Atlantean alters who have been given Aryan type racial nonsense to think they are superior. They believe in genetic engineering, and a master race.
    ORANGE: These special protector alters are scouts who warn of danger from internal or external threats.
    YELLOW: These are the strong Christian alters of which there will only be a few in the System. They help serve as a balancing point to control the System as well as to hide what the System is all about.
    PINK: These are core related alters. They maintain the true feelings of the true self apart from the cult programming and the cult family’s programming. These alters are viewed as weak because they are emotional and often break down and weep. They are fragile emotionally.

An alternative color scheme that is used:
    DARK EMERALD GREEN: This color is assigned to the Anti Christ-Satan alter(s). Green is the occult color for Satan and happens to be the most sacred color. Few people outside of Satanists know that Green is more sacred for them than any other color.
    LIGHT GREEN: The gods and goddess alters which are triads which function in Illuminati ceremonies get this color coding.
    WHITE: The internal programmers who come around in white robes get this color assigned to them, as if they are doctors or angels of light.
    RED: Sexual alters are given the natural color of sex and arousal red.
    BLACK: Connecting alters that are Nexus alters between various system parts.
    PINK: Reporting alters.
    DARK BLUE: Non hierarchy cult alters.
    LIGHT BLUE: Alters in charge of the way the system runs, such as the judges.
    YELLOW: Alters which are ritually and sexually twinned with alters of other systems.
    ORANGE: Guard alters which are heavily programmed for obedience.
    VIOLET-PURPLE: Front alters and small child alters placed into boxes.
    CLEAR Shell alters to deceive the outside world.
    GOLD The traumatized alters upon which the programming is built on.

Joseph Mengele and the programmers who worked with and under him, used a large dollhouse with 26 rooms. Each of the rooms were painted with one of the 13 different colors in order to build into the child’s mind, the 13 front and the 13 back computers. The internal computers worked off of color codes, as well as other codes. A dollhouse was used to instill into the child’s minds the compartments of the computer. Each room was done up in a different color. One particular room was a secret room, and this represents the secret world of Petra which is hidden behind two large rocks. This secret world is coded the color clear. Besides the special color clear, the following colors appear in the system: Gold, Silver, Purple, Black, Red, Green, Blue, Brown, White, Orange, Yellow, and Pink. Each color has meaning and a rank. Just as the hour glasses could be turned, the color coding can be switched in rank. This is why in some systems there is a "Computer Operator Black", a "Computer Operator Green", and a "Computer Operator Purple", etc. During the programming a black box with needles and wires which attach to the body for electroshock is used. While electro shocking the victim, colored scarf's coming out of a box are showed to the child. The scarf's would help form the imagery needed to build colored ribbons internally. Alters would be created using the Tall Book of Make Believe story of the Pancake people. Using this as a base or foundation, the alters would then be dehumanized one step further into thinking they were ribbons, such as ticker tape, which could transmit information from one computer to another area of the mind.

The Ribbons had the ability to travel between the different levels and to transmit messages through the System, especially to the computers. It is believed they could do this because they were spirit. When a System is accessed by a programmer, one procedure is to obtain a Ribbon alter and then inform the Ribbon what he wants. The ribbons transmit messages to the internal computers. The ribbons on older systems use Morse Code. Who are the Ribbons? The Ribbons are the beginning of the LUCIFERIAN alter-like demons and alters. They are primarily the message bearers from the computers to the different computers, levels and alters. The Ribbons might have angelic names (Michael, Gabriel, etc.). The word angel means messenger. The ribbons serve a very similar function. They transmit ticker tape with morse code messages. They are at work most of the time for a System. A sample cover story for what they guard--which is the main computer with the gems and the core, is that the ribbons guard the System’s "Garden of Eden". Some more of the cover story that may be given is this: Ribbons were supposedly formed out of the dust of the ground and were placed in the Garden of Eden to create every pleasant tree. (See Genesis 1.) The ribbons relate to the Tree of Life. But to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil will cause death. The name of the first river of four in the garden is Pashon. Out of the first river come four heads. The River Pashon has gold, ballium, onyx, rubies, diamonds and precious stones. These gems are the programs the dwarfs mine. If the System has charismatic programming, the alters will have porcelain face programming. In this case each ribbon’s color will match the color of the stones in the masks--that is yellow, white, blue, green, purple, red and black. The colors of the ribbons correlate or match the colors of the Dollhouse rooms. What do ribbons do? The Ribbons serve the programmers and the computers, who in turn serve the evil master Spirits. Things that the Ribbons do for the computers have been identified as follows:
    a. The Ribbons eat from the system’s internal "Tree of Good and Evil",
    b. Ribbon programming consists of several things--where they reside, who they are and what they are to protect.,
    c. Ribbons must protect the computers in order to protect their own life. The Ribbons will be programmed to believe that reversing the computer will reverse the Ribbons’ life. The ribbons themselves operate with mechanical hearts (not human hearts).

The cover stories may include the following: All Ribbons are hid behind a little girl, who is a front for them & who tells the creation story. The little girl will tell the creation story which included the Ribbons. Behind her runs a silver cord. The silver cord has to do with heart programming. The silver cord has 3 strands that cannot be broken as per ECL 4:12. This silver cord goes off if the Ribbons are touched. Ribbons are set up so that suicide programming is triggered if they are cut. Actually, French braiding conceals a 4th strand. In review as stated, during the programming, a box with colored scarf's was shown the child while severe electro-shock was given to the body. A colored scarf represents a ribbon which runs a message from a colored room to a similar colored alter. In a System which is structured into families and cities and worlds and sections, these "geographically different" structures in the mind of the victim can be connected via the color coding. In other words, the alters are structured into a 3-D cube structure. Then a fourth dimension (the color coding) is added to tie in all of the three dimensions. A central computer was placed in at the bottom of the mind. Using various techniques the victim is brought to the deepest altered state possible, and a computer is built into the mind via hypnosis and alters. This can be done by freezing the entire body and just keeping the head active. Or it can be done by bringing the body to a comatose state where the heart is beating faintly. This step can only be done under the strictest medical supervision. The memory storage area for the computers include the Emerald City Library (staying with the Wizard of Oz theme) which contains alters who's only function is to memorize & retain with photographic memories pages and pages of information. The layout with codes of the entire system can be stored in a storage bank, so the programmer could access this area if his own records were lost. The libraries contain the historical genealogies of satanic iniquity from early ancient times to present. This ancient occult information has been reported by at least half a dozen Illuminati slaves as being retained internally by demons.

How Monarch Slaves Are Designed To Interface With The Unix System Of The Beast Computers - In line with what is being done by the Illuminati around the world with their network of computers--the computers have access codes similar to 666 666 666, and back out and close down codes similar to 999 999 999. These are the codes that the UNIX universal system uses, and the Monarch slaves are being created with codes that interface with the UNIX system for computers. (On some systems if the computer is shutdown it will request an input code of 666fff666fff666fff666...This can then be reversed F6F6F6F6F6F6F6F6F6F6). The UNIX system is being used to allow the New World Order’s big BEAST computers to communicate with any known computer, including the minds of their Monarch mind-controlled slaves. In the 1960s, the U.S. Department of Defense began linking computers together into a superhighway now developed into the Internet. Hundreds of thousands of computers around the world are tied in. Like buildings in a city, each computer has its own unique address. Most of these addresses are registered at the Network Information Center in Menlo Park, CA. Individuals can also be registered at the NIC too. The U.S. Military links into the system with their Arpanet and Milnet networks, which tie together such divergent things as MIT computers, West Point computers, NORAD computers, Air Force Systems Command Space Division computers at El Segundo, CA and U.S. Army DARCOM at Seckenheim, Ger. (to name a few). These are all being tied together to form one vast electronic brain.

There are nine secret BEAST computers of the New World Order, at the time this was written. "Big Bertha" is the nickname of the BEAST computer located at the secret military installation called Dreamland at the secret Groom Lake, NV test site facility. Papoose Lake is referred to as S-4. The other super-secret facilities in the area are named S-2, 8-6, and S-66. This area has become the Illuminati’s prime programming facility for turning out Monarch slaves, and the Monarch slaves which are turned out from this area have turned out to be the worst basket cases. In other words the programming is very severe which is carried out in this area. This area has also been used for the space program, for the U-2 & SR-71, for the CIA’s A-12 spy plane, for the Stealth fighters (Lockheed F-1 17A Attack plane) and bombers, the Aurora, and for the U.S. government’s "Above Top Secret" flying saucers. The Big Bertha computer (named after the Illuminati Mother-of-Darkness Bertha Krupp) can be talked to in half a dozen languages and will answer a person back in the language they speak. On a daily basis, airplanes fly into the Groom Lake facility. The call name of flights bringing workers and people go by the call name "Janet". About 12 Janet flights come into the facility everyday. These flights are usually Boeing 737s and arrive from places like a secure terminal run by EG&G at McCarran Airport in Las Vegas and from the military’s Palmdale, CA facility. These 737s are unmarked except for a red stripe running down the fuselage. Large military C-130 arrive with cargo, and Illuminati dignitaries arrive in smaller twin-engine craft. Victims for the programming are brought in via planes, & other routes.

One of the BEAST computers occupies three floors of the headquarters of the European Economic Community building in Brussels, not far from the important Illuminati Mother-of-Darkness worldwide headquarters castle near the Fr.-Bel. border near Muno, Belgium. Another BEAST computer is in Luxembourg. In observing the operations of the Illuminati, it has been seen that telephone area codes are used as part of a mind-controlled slave’s code. We do not understand everything about their codes, but it does tie in with other things that are happening. Every person in the world has been assigned an 18 digit tracking number, which consists of 3 groups of 6 numbers. The first 3 numbers assigned in the BEAST computer to everyone are 666. The next is one’s national code. The U.S. national code is 110. Then the next 3 numbers are your telephone area code, and then finally your 9 digit Social Security number. The code then is 666 + Nation code + Tel. area code + social security no. = BEAST I.D. no. for an individual. According to Dwight Kinman’s book The World’s Last Dictator, 2nd ed., (Woodburn, OR: Solid Rock Books, p. 256) VISA has already begun issuing VISA cards using the BEAST 18 digit number. When an American makes a bank transaction on an autoteller within a matter of seconds the BEAST has been informed of the activity. These computers use UNIX. The particular programs for the economic transactions just described are a worldwide computer network called SWIFT (Society For Worldwide Interbank Financial Transactions). The SWIFT works off of the UNIX system and can communicate with any computer. It was developed by AT&T and uses C language. (Bear in mind that there are dialects of UNIX, such as the standard AT&T UNIX and for instance Berkeley UNIX. The UNIX system uses both timesharing and multitasking.

The mind of a Monarch slave also does both multitasking and time sharing. One of the nice UNIX features, is "protected memory", which is also part of the Monarch programming. A kernal is what the UNIX programmers call a "protected person". It is very similar to the internal "person" (alter) who helps the Monarch slave’s programming functions. The big item about UNIX is that it has permissions granted. This is similar to the Monarch programming. Permissions are granted to 3 types of entities. The Top Programmer or "god" as he is called, of the UNIX System receives what is called the individual permission. The next permission is called group permission, and it is given to insiders who work with the system. The final permission type is the world, which has very limited access. The parallel between this and the Monarch programming is surprising. In some cases the programmers may have matched things on a one-to-one correspondence. The Monarch program also has a Top Programmer who is called "god" to the System. He has total control over the system. His programming permissions can not be deprogrammed out by others who might want to usurp his power. Hidden from the casual user of the UNIX system are the Daemons and Demons. The UNIX programmers decided to use the old english spelling for demon = Daemon. These are computer processes which work secretly behind the scenes and are given actual demonic names, some corresponding to actual names of historically known demons, such as Asmodeus. Asmodeus is also a demon which is placed into many Monarch slaves.

In the UNIX system these demons are treated like persons in the computer’s user director. Demons in the computer system do not have to log onto the computer, but they work behind the scenes and are given the same powers that people users are given. They are set up in the same structure as how the computer treats people. Permission in the UNIX system is granted using an 8 bit count with 0 through 7. The three kinds of permission are the read, write, and execute permissions. If no permission were granted in any way the UNIX system would indicate" "on the screen which means 000000 000 or nine 0’s. The super user called god is given the code 777 which means super user. However, the permission of 666 gives the user the power to everything the 777 permission gives, except that the 777 permission allows the god the master programmer to execute not executable programs. The Postmaster Demon is the head demon, and his permission level in UNIX is 666. (In the Monarch Programming "Mr. Postman" is a code word used internationally.) The most important part of the BEAST system is its communication power. The Electronic Mail System of the BEAST allows it to communicate worldwide, and along with electronic mail comes levels of permission to super user (god) is called Root. A programmer on the Beast must get permission. His program must get permission. That program that gives permission must also get permission. In other words, there are levels of permission that must be gone through. This is similar to the Monarch program. For instance, the alters personalities which would control the body during Illuminati gatherings have very tight access permission. It is very hard to access these hierarchy personalities. Both the UNIX system (and the Monarch programming) creates "children" by "spinning". The "child" spins off. When the "child" is finished it is "killed" in UNIX lingo.

When the programmers created child processes in the computer, they were having problems with the child processes killing the parent processes. The same type of problems have had to be dealt with in the Monarch programming. The initial programmer is often the biological parent of the child, and this parent is very responsible for extreme tortures being applied to the child who is being programmed--not to mention all of the expendible children, who are killed in front of the child to highlight the reality of the trauma. The natural reaction of the child being created is to hate the programmer. Naturally, the Monarch programming had to overcome that natural tendency, which it does very successfully. The UNIX system uses an internal clock within its computer system. The UNIX clock is called CRON. CRON checks files to see if the programmer has put in any files to run. The UNIX system uses data bus lines, which are like the Monarch programming ribbons, which go through the system. These ribbons or data bus lines take information and commands from the computers to other computers. Within the UNIX system, insiders have revealed that the Daemon (Demon) processes of all the UNIX systems have a security flaw. That flaw is that the Postmaster Daemon has access to them in spite of who the god is of that particular UNIX computer system. So while owners, who purchase UNIX systems think that they have exclusive control over their system, an external Postmaster Daemon coming from the Beast could use its permission levels to over ride the power of the local owner of the system. The Monarch system has a similar feature, the Illuminati programmers know how to access the base or primal anchors to the programming and yank out any programming they want. All the slaves of these lesser groups such as the CIA, Church of Satan, Mafia, etc. can all be reprogrammed rather quickly to serve the Illuminati, if they are not already due to the Illuminati programmers extra knowledge on how to get into the base programming. In these many ways, the UNIX system serves both real computers and also for the internal computers of some slaves’ mind.

The slave’s system becomes a computer system. It functions as a series of computers that are connected to the master computer which is sunk into the mind at the lowest hypnotic level, which is a level often placed even below an internal "hell pit". To access the different computers, combinations of cards were used for the codes (numbers are also used. See Chapter 4.). Various parts of a Monarch system correspond to what any computer would have. A microprocessor register has 3 sections on a computer to make it functional. In Monarch Systems, you would find these 3 represented by 1. stored data in the library and alters with photographic memories, 2. an instruction section with codes, and 3. stacking mechanisms. Linked to all this were a crystal, clock, hour glasses, a compass and an entire demonic command structure. The eye in front of the big computer will be protected by legions of spirits. The front big computer runs front quadrants and the back computer runs the deeper quadrants. The software so to speak for the Omega programming (computer) may be set up to include a stacking program called the Potter’s Wheel. The Potter’s Wheel is a misuse of the Bible, and is a type of programming that the Charismatic/pentecostal movement carries out. The Mormons and the Catholics have their own distinctive "software" programs. An initial stacking mechanism would work by telling alters to "Stand in Order according to rank and serial no." Another code along with a hand signal would place the Gatekeeper alters up on the Potter’s wheel for their "creator" to work on them. A group of alters could be taught to go up on their Potter’s wheel by seeing a pattern of dominoes. It is whatever the programmer decides.

The dominoes were used for coding, but they also had the programming feature of being able to tie alters together so that if the System is tampered with out of sequence, a domino effect would take place. This domino effect is for one program to set off another program to set off another program. Soon the Monarch slave’s mind is trying to deal with dozens of suicide programs running simultaneously, along with perhaps other programs such as scrambling programs. For instance, one story line used is the mice run up and down and open up new levels of programming and are tied to the pendulum/clock mechanism. The mice can activate the hour glass, and a gold-winged green skirted fairy Whisper balances the hour glass on her wings. If the slave goes toward freedom, the slave’s mind triggers programs of all kinds, and the mind ends up not knowing if it was coming or going with all the different programs which activate. A more exhaustive look at all the craziness and activity of the Omega & Gamma programs which activate to defend the Illuminati’s Mind Control are given in other chapters. The programming has been designed that if it was taken out improperly, it is to come back Seven times Seven stronger. This is also a clue that the programming is partly a demonic manifestation, cf. MT 12:43-45 et al.

Components Of The Controls - At the center of the System are the mechanisms that control it, such as the Master Computer, the All-Seeing Eye, the Compass, the Master Clock, and the Quadrants that tie in together. The System may have 3 hourglasses spinning on axes. These hour glasses can also be called matrixes, which are on your standard 3 axes, a X axis, a Y axis & a Z axis. The worlds are various sections of these matrixes. There are backup worlds & mirror image worlds. Occasionally, there will be a double system. Some of the more important alter System are even far more complex than a double System or a double Double System. Each alter is split so that every alter has another alter created from it. Then there are demonic doubles--demonic mirror images in the System. The double images shown in the picture are very real when describing our System. Some therapists have noticed "Satanic Guardian Angels" which talk to their patients. They do not know what to make of these. Some classify them as hallucinations, because they do not have any room in their belief system for demonology. These are the demons that do control the multiple’s mind. Thor, with his hugh hammer is a painful demon. Thor’s image is made of cast iron & carried an iron mallet. Thor is a black strong figure. When his hammer strikes, the slave gets split brain headaches. Programmers can use the story of the Giant with the Hammer in the Ozma of Oz book (pp. 141-155) to give the imagery when programming. A special series of sweeping motions with both hands will relieve the split brain programming, but some alters can only tolerate these hand signals being done by the master. By the way, Thor is an important protector in Satanic/occult beliefs, & the religion of Thor now has equal stature/popularity in Germany as the Lutheran church.

The programs are put into a System and given codes. These programs use Greek, Hebrew and Druidic letters (or other esoteric languages) in their activation codes. Actually, these alphabets also are the way these people numbered with, and the Greek, Hebrew & Druid letters were used as numbers. These programs could be called Utility Programs, because they function much like the utility programs of a computer. Along with all the programming comes cover programming. Generally, front stories cover almost everything in a System. Dominos have been used in Monarch programming as the basis for what is called a "Mother Board" in actual computers. Telephone tones key in on a slave’s computer matrix. At times, telephone tones in everyday life will make slaves accidently wacky. All computers run off of base 2--which uses the numbers 0, and 1. 0 and 1 can be represented as on and off. In the programming, they were represented by "He Loves Me", "He Loves Me Not." The Programmers, especially Dr. Mengele, enjoyed taking a daisy and pulling its petals off one at a time. First petal, "I love you". Second Petal, "I love you not." IF the last daisy petal was "I love you not", then the child was dramatically killed in front of other children to be programmed. The Illuminati’s method of death - skinning alive - has been developed into a fine art, for both programming and ceremonies. A drawing of this skinning procedure by a witness is on pg. 338.

The daisy game, which was scary for a child, heightened the victim’s attention. Matrixes were built upon this deadly game. How did it feel to be programmed with Mengele’s "I love you, I love you not" programming? A victim recalls, "The child was placed in a cage exposed and naked. The low voltage wires were rigged to the metal of the cage. The child experienced a continual erratic or sporadic prolonged voltage of shock until the heart would pulsate and the anxiety level of the child became out of control. "Then the Dr. would enter the scene with his sneering taunting smile while holding a daisy in his hands. The sporadic voltage would continue to flow through the child’s body. As the shock continued, the Dr. stood before the child pulling petals off the daisy. His only communication was voiced in these words, "LOVE YOU, LOVE YOU NOT, LOVE YOU, LOVE YOU NOT," while pulling off the daisy petals. This action would drive the child crazy because the child knows full well if that last petal is pulled off it meant death. The child that is not loved is skinned alive before the other children. "...we can now begin to understand that the expendable children were in other cages placed all around us for the eye to see. They went through the same process as we watched. When the last petal of the daisy was pulled from the flower they were killed. Then the terror of what we had just experienced through the seeing and hearing, let us know we were next, but when? By the time the doctor got to "He loves me not" some children no longer knew fear. Their ashes were taken from the crematorium and used in the garden for fertilizer, as a reminder to all what happens to unloved children. "In the clinical room, the lights were used to program the day’s events. The bright light continually flashed starting with 7 lights, then six dots, then five dots, then four dots, then three, then two dots, then 1 dot. In the blindness of the lights, we could hear the doctor’s voice, "LOVE YOU, LOVE YOU NOT." over and over again. A child could have a false trust when the lights flashed 7 dots. By the time one dot was flashing, the child’s terror had once again risen. The doctor never pulled the last petal off for us, but we can’t forget how he teased us. He smiled and walked away, "NO, I LOVE YOU." and walked away."

If we use L=I love you and N=I love you not we can build the following matrix for the internal computer:
    L N L N L N
    1 2 3 4 5 6
    2 3 4 5 6 1
    3 4 5 6 1 2
    4 5 6 1 2 3
    5 6 1 2 3 4
    6 1 2 3 4 5

This type of configuration can even be tied to color programming, and to dominoes, where the numbers are represented as the dots on a domino. By making numbers into dots--the numbers can be represented by lights in the same patterns of black domino dots. This means that dominos can be used to program a child, and who would suspect anything about dominoes? Another thing that lends itself well to use as a programming code are a deck of cards. Many slaves have this. It can be tied in with the Alice In Wonderland story. When cards are used, a section (also called a world or city) of alters will be given its own computer. To access that computer, a code consisting of several things including 2 cards can be used. In review of what Chapter 4 said about codes, often double codes are employed--what is meant by that is that suppose we have 13 important alters in a section. They will designate each of these "A" alters. Then they number them each 1 through 13. But then they will double code them so that as we count up, we also count down. Then they attach a generic level number to them, say 2,000. So putting this together we have Emerald Green 2001-13a for our first alter, then next is Emerald Green 2002-12a, the next is Emerald Green 2003-11a, and so on. Then the magical name of the alter or the Tribal name of the alter can be attached onto this to complete an access code. While it seems perhaps complex at first, all an alter is remembering is a color, a common section no. and their rank no. and their file letter, and their magical name. (The name to pull them up, will not be their name for public use). Alice In Wonderland, the Wizard of Oz and the Tall Book of Make Believe played a fundamental role as "software" in a System. The Wizard of Oz stories are often used to show how & what structures to put in the small victim’s internal world. The stories even teach HOW to create an internal world and its parts. Some of the T.V. shows & movies, which served as Monarch programming scripts (i.e. the software) include:
    * Batman
    * Bewitched
    * Bobby’s World Cartoons (deliberate triggers)
    * Dameon/Omen movies
    * Disney movies (all of them, some with deliberate triggers)
    * Duck Tails Cartoon (deliberate triggers)
    * ET (used in alien programming)
    * Fantasy Island (deliberate triggers)
    * Ghost Busters (used for "who ya’ gonna call" theme)
    * Love Boat (used for mind control of cruise prostitutes)
    * My Fair Lady (finishing school for slaves, such as Youngstown, OH)
    * Star Wars
    * Steven King Horror Movies
    * Tiny Toons Cartoons of Steven Speilberg (deliberate triggers)
    * Wizard of Oz movies

Some of the books which were used as programming scripts, which haven’t been mentioned yet, are the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Egyptian Book of the Dead (satanic rituals follow closely the rituals of the Egyptian Book of the Dead), Steven King novels, & Wilbur Smith’s. The Mother Goose nursery rhymes were used prolifically for internal codes in slaves. Now that we have discussed the widely used "soft ware" available to the programmers, we don’t want to forget the root program, the tree which was used as a method of organizing the various programs, just like a computer’s subdirectories branch out more subdirectories. If the programming is tampered with, the slave will want to cut the tree, however, since the tree is in them, this means they will want very badly to cut their arms, especially their veins. The programming is not guarded as much as the computers. Everything guards the BEAST computer including deaf alters who have to be communicated with using a hand number code system. Such a code might resemble finger signing 1,2,3,4,5,10 = 15 & following this with a shutdown code which simply reverses the access equation. Surrounding the central All-seeing-eye will be alters & programs with insanity, fear, hopelessness, cutting, burning, aloneness, etc. Strong demonic forces are attached to these alters & programs. They also can trigger the slave to have abusive behavior as punishment. A System is given a life force which is able to regenerate a system, the jokers who protected the programming, and you have the alpha-numeric codes, the cards, and dominoes (represented by a dice) that formed the access codes to parts of the System. The alters will often feel the heartbeat (which may be an alter) associated with the computer. In the background is a LUCIFERIAN blue light. This Satanic light empowers the Joker. It along with the Joker and the internal programmers give a System the ability to regenerate itself. One can shut down internal computers which run programming to the levels of the System using the same codes that the original programmers use, but until one also takes care of the 13 Jokers & the faceless white-coated programmers who control the Omega Programming, then the back up computers can regenerate the programming & rebuild the system.

Jokers - If the computers are given cards as access codes, it works in well to create Jokers who are wild cards within the system, which can imitate anything. The Jokers have a LUCIFERIAN form. Luciferian is the term that the programmers used. This means that it is spirit. Because the Jokers are Spirit, they can take any form they need to and they can do what they want to do, until they are bound & cast out with the rest of their hierarchy of demons. The Jokers will pop up when a victim tries to study the codes & programming that direct that victim’s life. Around this cult core are the jewels (which are the programs the dwarfs mine). Remember the story of Snow White and the Seven dwarfs? Also swirling around Silence are ribbons which we will discuss later.

TREES - The trees bud at certain times. This is one way the imagery of the tree to connect to the time that rituals are to happen. If the tree is barren of leaves (no programs--i.e. deprogrammed), then the system is to grow more leaves.

C. Internal Hierarchies - The programmers build chains of command within the groups of alters that they create. They credit themselves with bringing order out of chaos. When a system of multiple personalities thinks of rebelling, they are in the similar situation as a colony wanting freedom from its mother country. Can we govern ourselves, and what governing structures can we keep--since the structure itself is colonial? Can the mind work together to help itself? The concerns are legitimate questions. And yes, the multiple’s mind can function outside of the control of the programmer’s hierarchical arrangement, but not without alters taking on different job assignments. In the slave’s hierarchal chain of command, adult alters are assigned to insure that child alters don’t get out, unless the abusers want a child alter out. Likewise, commander alters are needed to keep the switching smooth, and to keep things orderly. Subordinate alters are taught to submit to their king, or governor, or queen alter. Immense power and indoctrination is given to the key cult alters ruling a system. The internal hierarchical arrangement means that the host alter coming into therapy (often a Christian) may not be as completely open as therapists think. They must play an internal game of going toward health while not pushing the buttons of deeper more powerful alters. A lot of internal politics may go on. A front alter may promise a deeper alter secrecy in order to consult with it. This makes for all kinds of triangulation and manipulation within the alter system itself. The entire hierarchy of alters has a lot invested in protecting the core from trauma, which was why the core was split in the beginning. Trad, therapy goes after the core & the multiplicity that protects it, thus insuring resistance from the entire hierarchy incl. front alters, who in MPD systems seeking help are often close to the core. The core self is best not directly pursued by the therapist, but gently encouraged on its own to reconnect.

Source: Chapter 11

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Using Spiritual Things To Control A Person

Here is a remarkable and powerful book. Save it. Copy it. Give it to friends and therapists for compassionate work. You now have in your hands the very tools that can deprogram the dream. Once you know this, and you absorb its implications, you can no longer be blind folded. By reading this, you may be helping millions of monarch slaves . These techniques only work by our ignorance of knowing them. Herein, let us apply the Heart to the mind, and awaken a Middle Way, by infiltrating another piece of the cancer of sleep, as All Is God in Action.

Dedication: This book is dedicated to the two million Americans and counting who have been programmed with Monarch-type trauma-based mind control. This book is written to destroy trauma-based mind control before it destroys the human race. It’s time for this horrendous secret to end. Blood, sweat and tears are associated with this book. The blood of the innocent victims of this mind-control cries out in a single unison, along with the pungent sweat of those who have tried to minister help to the shattered humanity left by the sadistic programmers, and the pools of tears shed as this book was written, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, do you not judge and avenge our blood on earth?”

WARNING: Read this first before continue readting. If there is any chance you the reader have had mind-control done to you, you must consider the following book to be DANGEROUS. If you are consulting a therapist for DID (also known as MPD), it is recommended that you consult your therapist before reading this book. The complications that could result for those under mind control learning the truth–could be fatal. The co-authors take no responsibility for those who read or misuse this information. The reader’s mind is like a garden. It may not be time to plant the truth in your mind. Perhaps you need some weeding or ground preparation, before the garden of your mind is ready. Perhaps the weather is too stormy to plant the truth. The blessings that flow from planting the information of this book in your mind, will require the presence of living waters of love. If you do not have love in your heart, this book is not for you. The information contained in this book is the biggest news-story of the 20th century, and still the biggest secret. It will challenge you, shock you, horrify you and hopefully motivate you to redouble your efforts to humble yourself and seek strength from God.

The programming procedures which are described in this book are based on research and consultation with deprogrammers, ex-programmers, therapists, counselors and pertinent literature. To the best of our knowledge the statements made in this book are factual, although they may not reflect the latest or currently accepted methodology among each and every faction of the New World Order which carries out Monarch-type programming. This book tends to devote more emphasis to Illuminati programming, which is the highest level of programming. For individual application in understanding a survivor of Monarch programming, therapists are admonished to use this material with consideration for the Monarch victim’s personal case and situation. The authors disclaim any responsibility for therapeutic work based upon this material. Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler have co-authored They Know Not What They Do, An Illustrated Guidebook To Monarch Mind Control. Both Fritz and Cisco bring years of experience in dealing with Monarch programming to bear on the writing of this book. Fritz has researched the Illuminati, while he has worked with victims of its programming. He has authored The Top 13 Illuminati Families, and several other books.



Saving this chapter for last (of the mind, body, spirit chapters) is like saving the best wine for last. The authors know first hand that the Illuminati fears more than any other information getting out, that the spiritual aspects of programming would be revealed. This chapter has been organized into the following parts:
    A. Using spiritual principles against a person B. How the Monarch program miniaturizes what is done on a larger scale C. Dehumanization D. Fear E. The use of guilt, shame & ridicule & anger F. Teaching that the master is God G. Portals, focal points H. Vows & Oaths I. The use of demon possession, layering, etc. J. The use of angel alters K. The use of Scriptures In Programming L. Theta programming

The 10th science includes some of the most secret elements of the Monarch programming, and certainly some of the most controversial. Psychologists and psychiatrists are an unlikely group to delve into demonology, although there have been a number of studies done in this area. Six examples of such studies:
    ² Braude, S.E. (1988). "Mediumship and multiple personality." Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 55, 177-195. ² Krippner, 5. (1987). "Cross-cultural approaches to multiple personality disorder: Practices in Brazilian spiritism." Ethos, 15, 273-295. ² Rodgers, R.L. (1991). "Multiple personality and channeling." Jefferson Journal of Psychiatry, 9, 3-13. ² Rogo, D.S. (1987). "The spiritual side of multiple personality." In D.S. Rogo, The infantile boundary: A psychic look at spirit Possession, madness, and multiple personality (pp. 243-246). New York: Dodd, Mead, and Co. ² Ronquillo, E.B. (1991). "The influence of ‘Espiritismo’ on a case of multiple personality disorder." Dissociation, 4, 39-45. ² Smith, RD. (1981). "Hypnosis, multiple personality, and magic: A case study." Voices: the Art and Science of Psycho-therapy, 17, 20-23.
The Gamma programming is the secret layering in of demons. However one wants to describe these demons--the victim has to deal with their "reality". The ceremonies to demonize the victim occur even before they are born. Generational spirits are very important to determine how the Programmers program a person. But this 10th science goes way beyond just demonology, because it deals with the fundamental issues that effect our views of God, our fellowship with Almighty God, and our view of the occult sciences of astral projection, ESP, telepathy, etc.

Part A. The Use Of Spiritual Principles To Isolate The System From God. In the course of deprogramming Monarchs, and rubbing shoulders with programmers, it became clear that the programmers of the Monarch program are fully aware of the spiritual principles which are in operation for everyone. In 1930, a leader of one of the groups which today carries out trauma-based mind-control, wrote that the occult masters are not interested in uplifting the souls of men, but that "These Masters. .. have in reality no interest in soul or astral development, except as a means of forming passive illuminized tools, completely controlled in mind and actions." The Monarch victims of today are the tail end of centuries of efforts by the Kaballists, Freemasons, and the Illuminati adepts to completely control other human beings. The following quote comes from a communist manual on how to brainwash a nation. It could just have well been written by Monarch Mind-Control Programmers. "The first thing to be degraded in any nation is the state of Man, himself. Nations which have high ethical tone are difficult to conquer. Their loyalties are hard to shake, their allegiance to their leaders is fanatical, and what they usually call their spiritual integrity cannot be violated by duress. It is not efficient to attack a nation in such a frame of mind. It is the basic purpose of [mind-control] to reduce that state of mind to a point where it can be ordered and enslaved. Thus, the first target is Man, himself. He must be degraded from a spiritual being to an animalistic reaction pattern. He must think of himself as an animal, capable only of animalistic reactions. He must no longer think of himself, or of his fellows, as capable of ‘spiritual endurance’ or nobility... " As it seems in foreign nations that the church is the most ennobling influence, each and every branch and activity of each and every church, must, one way, or another, be discredited. Religion must become unfashionable by demonstrating broadly, through pyscho-political indoctrination, that the soul is non-existent, and that Man is an animal. Later this chapter will describe how a person is dehumanized. One spiritual principle is that if you can get a person angry at God, you can get that person to commit any sin. Great effort is taken, via staged events to make the victim being programmed certain that God has rejected them. For instance, some victims had someone play God and walk away from them when they needed help in a life & death situation. The 1980 Hollywood movie Altered States, which is about a university professor in the 1960s who experiments with mind-altering drugs and sensory deprivation tanks, shows some scenes where God turns into a goat. Some of the religious scenes in this movie, match some of the anti-God/religious programming of some Monarch slaves. The Monarch slaves are repeatedly warned that God is cruel and judgmental, and that He wants to destroy them for the wicked things they have done. Bible verses that tell of the wrath of God & God’s anger are read to the victim.

An example of how the slave is programmed to hate God will now be given. A hypnotic drug will be given the victim when they are about 6 years of age. This will relax the person and allow the programmers to take the child into the deepest trance, so that the programming will be sure to enter into the very fiber of the child’s being. After several hours of being in a deep trance, as the drug begins to wear off, the child will be strapped very secure into a tight fitting coffin. A man with long white hair, and a long robe, with sandals, staff and a white robe will present himself before the child, and announce that he is "God the great I AM". Then "God" will look in a big book and announce he cannot find the person’s name so he will have to send the person to hell for being bad. The coffin will then be lowered into a deep pit, like a mine shaft, and the victim will be told that when they can no longer hear God’s voice that they will be a cat and not human. God can’t find them in the book because they have no soul, and are a cat. Deeper and deeper the child is lowered. They are told this is the penalty for having tried to pray to God. The programmers make sure that the slave is implicated in many gross sins, such as the murder of innocent children, in order to insure that the person is sure that God hates them. Then the victim is told that God is a consuming wrath who hates them. The injustice of God creating a world of suffering is also taught to the slave. All this is to insure that the victim hates God. That hatred toward God will express itself in the victim’s system’s willingness to do any sin, without conscience.

Part B. The Monarch Programming Is A Miniaturization Of What Was Being Done To Entire Peoples Or Cities Demons are attracted by the "scent" of people. We are made in the image of God, and we are attractive prey to those who hate God Almighty. Cities are magnets for demons. When demons target a person or people, a common tactic is to make trouble for the person. When a person’s problems reach a crescendo, they will be in a state of mind to grab any solution that is passing by. People then make pacts with demonic forces. They sell their souls hoping for relief from their problems. All this is clear as a bell to the spiritually enlightened, but the demonic forces are able to dull the senses of their victims to the point they no longer have the slightest realization that they have sold their souls. People make a choice to accept the falsehood offered by the demons for their relief, rather than stick with the truth which seems to hurt. The demonic lies may be that colds and flues are caused by evil spirits--when in reality they are caused by viruses and bacteria. Or the opposite type of lie may be given, that demonic forces have no influence over disease, that only viruses and bacteria exist.

In Africa, modern medicine is often viewed as White Man’s magic, because they fight disease with incantations which the demons have taught them to use to cure their problems. Authority to demons is transferred to them by festivals, ceremonies and pilgrimages. Strong demonic manifestations usually occur around festivals, ceremonies, rituals and pilgrimages which are being done everyday around the world. These ceremonies and rituals are welcome mats for demonic forces giving them the right to rule. Every area of the world has them. And often demonic signs and wonders occur at these rituals and ceremonies. The power of a lie has to be preserved and fueled by tradition, which is manifested via rituals. Without tradition the power of the lie would die out. If the tradition is being rejected by a people, the demons often augment it with "new" deceptions. The first lie doesn’t stand a chance. The pre-existing bondage then is strengthened by new deceptions that seem more appropriate. If you were asked now, "HOW DOES SATAN ENSLAVE PEOPLE?" you should know the answer because it was just given it to you. The answer is Satan’s control is trauma-based. A trauma is applied to the lives of people. They reach out for some type of answer to the trauma, and the demons offer some type of answer--so many Hail Marys, or so many sacrificed cats, or pray to some idol which is a disguised demon. The lies are turned into myths which the people believe. The myths are a blurring of reality which the people on one level may know are false, but their minds can’t break loose of the power of the lie. The power of the myths are fueled by tradition and demonic manifestations and demonic attacks.

Anyone who steps outside of the demonic lie is attacked. The people feel they are being personally attacked when their traditions are ignored. Because a people has willingly sacrificed the truth for the falsehood in their need for relief from their trauma, they have chosen to be deceived. This choice to be deceived has a great deal of spiritual power to it. They are no longer truth-lovers. It is not enough to come to these people with the truth. They have rejected the truth. They must at some point will to seek the truth again. These people can have all the proof shown to them about the truth, and they will continue to reject it. Their demonic bondage needs to be broken somehow. This bondage can be broken in a number of ways. Pointing out the inadequacies of the lies is sometimes sufficient to break the demonic spell over people. But after the lies are broken, they need to be followed by the truth--and the love of truth. The Monarch Mind Control programming is simply the sophisticated application of what has been done to humanity on a large scale being scaled down and applied to a single human body.

Trauma and lies are used in the same way. The different alters sell their souls to the lies in return for their safety. A basic ingredient to the programming of a group of people (or a group of alters) is the same--trauma and fear. The Land of Oz was ruled by a shadow-leader, the Wizard of Oz. Most countries are ruled by unseen people and unseen powers. The Wizard of Oz story is so representative of how life is for Satan’s world. No wonder it is the programming base for so many Monarch mind-controlled slaves. The solution to Satan’s control, was that the disciples of Christ would be so united in love that the world would see the solution. "That they all may be one.. .that the world may believe." For the Monarch slaves, the therapists have wanted integration. For the world, Christ wanted integration. But there are formidable spiritual strongholds which divide us. These spiritual strongholds are far stronger than most Christians can imagine. The heartbeat of the Body of Christ is to bring all humanity to their Creator God. This can be done by breaking down all the lies and programming that separate the parts of the Body of Christ so that those of Christ are so well integrated in love and spirit that the world believes on the power of Christ. Each of the programming acts has a spiritual, mental, and physical side to it. The slave has his or her will stripped from them so it becomes unnecessary to think in terms of their guilt, they are slaves who no longer have the freedom of choice. If they kill, or steal, or tell an untruth (lie), they have not done it intentionally. Still the Programmers know that there are spirits involved to spiritually prepare the slave to do these acts. For instance, they implant Spirits of Greed and lust into the victim.

An Illuminati value system is drilled into the victim. Any person who is not taught to dedicate personal rights and possessions to God, will end up with all types of surface forces such as insecurity, worry, anger, envy, jealousy and tension. This goes for multiples or non-multiples. These surface forces will in turn cause all types of surface weaknesses such as lying, stealing, cheating, and arguing. If these surface weaknesses are displayed by anyone, they are evidence that a deeper spiritual problem exists. However, the slave is not being set up to display these vulnerabilities as they will, but ONLY as they are programmed. An Illuminati Beta model can have sex only with who her master allows her to have sex with. Nor is she granted the privilege of refusing to sexually service someone. If the slave is allowed free will, they often will reject the life style programmed into them. The reason they can reject the Spirits of Seduction & Lust that have been layered in to insure that these moral weaknesses exist, is because the will of the alter being programmed was being coerced. There was duress involved. Satan has some claim, but not the stronghold that comes from those whose active will is involved in a sin. That doesn’t mean that some slaves don’t develop a taste for their perversion. The point is that the ability to have these personality weaknesses, should the programmers want them, can be spiritually set into the slave by teaching the slave to resist the grace and love of God. It may be shocking to realize that the slaves are specifically programmed to resist God’s grace and love, and to hate Him. This is not left to chance, and is accomplished by a number of events in the slave’s life. Another spiritual area that is tampered with is the self-image of the person. They are not allowed to think of themselves as made in the image of God (unless they are front alters created or allowed to be Christian).

Instead of allowing the victim to learn about Jesus, the victim is consistently belittled and compared to others. This is in violation of a spiritual principle found in 2 Corinthians 10:12, "For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves; but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise." John 5:44 and 2 Cor. 10:17,18 teach how it is to be done correctly. Fritz, co-author, knows of one programmer who is still programming who is fully aware of these scriptures and how they apply spiritually. When people are not allowed to accept themselves, they end up resisting the will of God. The wrong attitudes are built into the slave, so that they will always resist the will of God. Again if the programmers want a Christian front, they may program the correct thinking into the front alter. To do this doesn’t threaten their hold on the system in the least. To have Satanic alters and Christian alters which are diametrically opposed to each other’s thinking only insures that if they would discover each other in the mind, that they would reject wanting to learn about the other part, and would go into denial of the part’s existence. The programming and mind-control is being linked to a belief system. Taking this one step further, we can also say that the programming is also a conflict between two faiths, the faith that the alters place when they visualize and create their occult-system, that is their faith in demonism and magic, versus the faith of those who follow the God of the Bible. The method of creating hard-core Satanic alters from traumatized Christian alters is an obvious example of this. Some secular therapists have been slow to admit this conflict.

If we look at the Illuminati’s brand of Druidism, we will notice that the Book of Pheryllt which is a Druidic book for rituals gives four symbols which can be made to evoke the four elemental forces also called the four basic portals. Visualization is said to be the key to the occult, and to opening portals with these four signs. As the deeper parts of a slave are drawn into such activity, they are in reality placing their faith in that belief system. How can you take something away, without giving something in return? An alternative faith in a God and belief system that is not connected to mind-control is an important therapeutic aid. You can not hate something passionately if you are unaware of it. When two groups are very similar, in order to high light their individual identity they will have a high level of animosity toward each other. In order to create strong Satanic alters who hate God, the Illuminati actually encourage the young two year old victim to understand and accept the love of God. Upon this faith in a loving God will be built the rejection and trauma to create wounded alters, who hate God because they feel rejected. Rejection is a tool of Satan across the board in the world. Rejection creates a sine wave of hills and valleys. (The way of the Lord is made straight leveling these hills and valleys.) When a person (or nation) is rejected they will often shift to one of two extremes: either they try to perform to meet up to expectations or they will retaliate against rejection. Both are extremes (the hills and valleys of the shadow of death) of the what resembles a sine way.

Both rejection and retaliation are tools of bondage. The enemy will work a person to get them to feel either rejected or angry. If either side of the sine wave is latched onto by a person (or nation) they will set in motion a dynamic where they will end up with the other side of the curve. This is because the human mind has an inbred desire to balance things out. If we feel rejection, then we may retaliate or try extra hard to perform. This sets up a BONDAGE LOOP. The Cabalistic Tree of Life is the knowledge of good and evil--performance. The programmer by repeatedly REJECTING the slave, build into the slave a high level of performance. The slave is not allowed to get angry at the programmer, which is the opposite peak of the sine wave. The human mind will naturally try to balance the performance peak with increasing the anger/retaliation peak to match it in opposite intensity. Because the slave can not get angry at their programmer, they turn this anger inward and upward toward themselves and God. The performance of the slave for the master is a form of false love. Performance love is false love. "If you do this for me, then I’ll love you."

Christ loved us when we were yet sinners and unlovable. This is the type of godly true love described by Paul in 1 COR 13 which seeks not its own. Self-preservation is a tool of death. That is one reason Christ did not preserve himself - even though he could have called angels - he wanted to show the world true love. Fear gets its root in death. The threat of death of a spouse, of oneself, of one’s dreams, of one’s identity, or of one’s fleshly body creates fear. Death comes from Satan. Life from Yahweh God. Fear is built on a threat of some kind of death. Self-preservation then is actually based upon fear which is in turn based on death. This is why Christ said one must lose their life to gain it. To escape the satanic bondage loop of self-preservation built on fear, we must reach out for the love of God. Self-justification is not normally seen by people as a bondage loop, but it often is. Only the sureness that Almighty God loves us gives us the strength not to get caught in the self-preservation tactic of self-justification. There is a place for defending the truth, but it must be done in love. Christ and his disciples taught that we are justified by faith in God, not by self-justification. Self-justification can easily be related to the self-preservation bondage loop.

We simply have to have an inner knowing that we are made in the image of God, and that He is working in each of our lives. Since we are His work, He will justify us. All of the Monarch slaves, are a work of God. The cult has simply refashioned what God created. The slave needs to recapture the loving view God has of what He created. God doesn’t make mistakes. He has placed lots of beauty and value in each person. Each person is His handiwork, isn’t the human body fearfully and wonderfully made? After someone has been made to participate in crimes against humanity, the Programmers intuitively have created a situation where the person may fall into self-justification, for example, "They deserved to die." This is a subtle, but dangerous tool of bondage. Much of the trauma-based mind-control is based on simple fundamental spiritual life-spiritual death issues. The Spirit of the Lord does not give fear. It comes from the enemy. Abductees, who claim to have met aliens, claim that the aliens feed off of human fear. Fear brings spiritual death. To show this dynamic in another way, let’s describe a common thought for alters of Monarch slaves. This thought is "If I stay with the programming I’m safe." This is the same thought that society in general is taught via fear of self-preservation. "If I stay with the crowd, if I stay with the system, then I will be safe." This is why peer pressure, which seems safe, can lead many young people into death. All this fear of self-preservation by remaining in the programming (whether individual or societal) will be transferred to loyalty of the Anti-Christ, that is the plan. The Truth shall set you free. Anytime we reject the truth for safety and peace because of our fear for self-preservation, we accept a lie. If the truth sets a person free, then by definition, slavery means to "not to have truth." All lies lead to bondage. They create strongholds.

Many religious groups are built upon a collection of truths and lies. The truths are used as the enticing attractive front, the lies are used as the enslaving bondage. This is why there is almost no end to all the lies used to program Monarch-type trauma-based total Mind-controlled slaves. An important mind-control programming dynamic is the creation of images. This will take some explaining. One spiritual dimension of humans is that we like to behold our God. This was built into us. Archeologists have noticed that ancient man has always worshipped. It is built into man to worship, and we like to behold whatever we worship, whether that is God, ourselves, or some other image. In other words, worship is image oriented. This is the power of images. One of the most ignored commandments of God, of which Fritz wrote a book about in 1977, was the commandment God gave "thou shalt not...make any likeness of any thing that is heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth." EX 20:4. Students of God’s Word are warned to "examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good." 1 THES 5:2 1.

What is significant is that God’s commandments in Ex. 20, which were a distillation of His laws, could have simply stated "Thou shallt not make any graven image", but instead went on to make a big issue in that same passage about any image of God’s creatures (the word translated "things" has historically been understood as "living things"). In DT 4:15 "pasal" images, that is images formed out of any material with a tool (ax, chisel, or engraving tool) and the "likeness of male or female" and "similitude of any figure" are forbidden. Next, it again forbids the likenesses of living creatures. The word "image" occurs about 100 times in the Bible, and is usually accompanied by judgments such as "I will cut down. ..destroy...break down...smote." In a number of verses (EC 7:20, PS 106:29, 39), the scriptures speak about how man is always seeking inventions that provoke God to anger. The creation of images of many varieties was a big part of Egyptian magic, and still is. Because the creation of images is so esteemed today, a balanced view/discussion of the spiritual ramifications of images (& their creation) is a rare subject. "For the invisible things of Him, from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse." RM 1:20. (cf. ISA 6:3).

One ex-Programmer has talked at length, that part of the motivation for the many programming images, is so that they can establish a world built by Satan, because they want to insure that there is no testimony about God’s power. (By the way, some deliverance ministries are having success in helping heal victims by pointing out that Satanic programmers only build from elements God has already created.) Mirrors, and lots of them, are important in occult programming because they make images. They create so many internal images one doesn’t know which way to go. Images are lies. We often create false images of the people we want to love. Do we love them or their image? Movie stars are loved for their image, and rarely for who they really are. Some of them have acknowledged that they don’t feel loved by their fans, because their fans are only worshipping an image. Again, we must remember THE TRUTH SHALL SET US FREE. What is our real identity? Who are we really in God’s eyes? Why did He allow us to be born? What was His real purpose for us? These real questions which are so hard for so many of us, are the reality that we need in our lives. The bondage of images has yet to be understood. The word "duplicity" is based on the word duplicate. Machiavelli taught the elite how to rule through duplicity--that is to rule via imitation images. This is nothing more than one of the operational principles of mirror images placed within the Monarch Mind-controlled slaves. Whatever gives life is duplicated in a mirror image by Satan. Life swallows up death, as the Kingdom of God’s genuine light gets progressively brighter. The copy of this is that performance must get progressively better, i.e. technology must change to get better if we are to have life.

The Amish show that society’s penchant for technological progression, does not improve life. The Amish have a very successful life-style free from divorce and crime. Missionaries to Africa have come back at times wondering if the primitive tribe they spent time with didn’t have many things which our technologically advanced society had lost. This doesn’t mean that an invention won’t help mankind, it is that mankind will not get life from technology. Technology must be understood in the entire context of life. If a person catches onto the lie of technology or performance, they may try the opposite lie--plat forming. Many troubled people reach out to God, receive help, and then platform by saying, "Thanks for the help God, but I’m O.K. now." God’s love is not performance-based, but we still need to continue to press toward the mark of the high calling of God, transforming and renewing our mind, ever growing spiritually. Things which do not grow are labeled dead. How do we grow without being performance oriented? That is the message that Christ tried to bring people. The programmers get their slaves caught in a performance loop. The slaves are not going to get freedom, if a minister of some church traps them into some religious group that is performance-based, rather than unconditional godly-love based. It is sad to see victims of mind-control free themselves at great cost, only to run from one controlling group to another. If we neglect to look at the spiritual dimensions of mind-control slavery, we then are neglecting to see some of the elements of total mind-control slavery.

In Summary, Some Of The First Things Attacked - What is often the first thing which is attacked in individuals and nations in order to control them? It is their sense of identity as a spiritual moral being. Both individuals and nations are targeted to destroy their ethical self-respect. The individual and the nation must be brought to think of themselves as animals. Another primary tactic or tool is to traumatize the victim who is to be controlled, and then provide relief when a demonic lie is accepted. Rejection is an important trauma, because it creates a desire for performance and retaliation, and gets people trapped in a bondage loop. Lies put people into bondage. Images are a type of lie, that lead to bondage. This is why so many images and lies are placed into the Mind-controlled slave. These images and lies are inherently bondage-makers. Fear and self-preservation are grounded in death. To preserve ourselves, we will allow ourselves to be enslaved. (Eventually, Mind-controlled slaves and society in general in order for peace, safety and self-preservation will transfer their allegiance to the master programmer, the Illuminati’s Anti Christ).

Part C The Dehumanization Process - The dehumanizing of a multiple - that is of a fragmented personality - is done to most of the alters, but the front alters are allowed to be human. Because alters take on the characteristics of what they were created from, the front alters have to be some of the first splits so that they have a sense of family and that they are human. That does not mean that the first series of splits can’t be dehumanized later--they are, they are turned into gems (crystals). How do you make an alter into an animal alter? It may not be quite as difficult as some may imagine, because they can create alters with "clean slates"--that is they are the plain tablets that Dr. White (Dr. D. Ewin Cameron) prided himself that he was able to make out of adult minds. When a part of the mind has no reality to reference, and is tortured and told lies, then it will accept what the programmer says is real. When an alter is created via torture, if you want a cat alter, they will have the child tortured in a cage surrounded by cats of some type. The new alters will be told they are cats. Their programmers will actually kill a little child in the worst way in front of these alters and tell them that that is what happens to little girls and boys. Do they want to be a little girl? No. After watching the horrible things that happen to little girls, they do not want to be little girls or little boys (as the case may be). They want to be a cat, because as a cat they will not be killed and tortured like the children. The alters are forced to eat like cats with cats. They are repeatedly shamed and degraded and repeatedly told they are cats. Lie detector Instruments are hooked up to the child to determine if the alters actually believe they are cats. When the alter can actually state, "I’m a kitten." or "I’m a tiger." and pass the lie detector test, then the programmers know they have succeeded. But what if the mind resists being told it is a cat? As long as the child is a girl it is given feces to eat. But the cats are fed wholesome meals in front of the victim. The little girls in the other cages are dirty and tortured and ill fed. Do you want to be a little girl? A great deal of simple torture is applied to make sure that the correct answers are given. If your life depended upon saying you were a cat, you’d be a cat too. Further, children have a vivid imagination. Normal children can easily role play, and they can easily imagine they are something they aren’t, because their personalities and egos have not solidified.

Again nothing is left to chance. A fake blood transfusion of cat blood may be given the child. Very often high speed films of kittens playing and having fun are shown in one eye, while the other eye is forced to few little girls having to undergo the worst of tortures. This viewing is forced upon the child, as its eyes are held open and the child is strapped into a viewing chair. The dehumanization process will make alters into various types of birds, cats, dogs, aliens, horses, earth elements, gemstones, rocks, and countless other items. They will then place in back up programming to insure that the alters continue to believe they are not human. The ingenuity of the back up programming to ensure that they continue to believe the lies are extensive and ingenious. A great deal of hypnosis, and drug induced states, and drug-hypnosis is used to carry out the dehumanization process. The programming will be reinforced by a cat alter’s environment, because the alter’s handlers will always refer to them as kittens or other types of cats. The painful rape of a child with its legs held in a butterfly configuration is used to get butterfly alters. To get a puppet, the body is given a drug which paralyzes the child. Then electro-shock is applied to certain muscles upon the command of the programmer. The effect is that the child has no control over his body, and the programmer can make the child’s body parts jerk and move by electro-shocking the muscles. The child actually becomes the puppet of the programmer. This is a very powerful program. One of the names connected with Monarch programming is Marionette Programming. The child literally becomes a Marionette. This concept appears to have been cooked up by the Germans under Hitler. An alter System as a child is physically shown that they are a marionette puppet. Their muscles are electro-shocked in such a way as to take advantage of the natural reflexes. When electro-shocked that way, the victim’s body parts jerk out of our control at the whim of the programmer to prove to the victim that they are a puppet. At this time, the rules are given and rule number 8 is that the alters are their puppet. Illuminati programmer Dr. Mengele, used puppets in a dollhouse as he programmed. He did skits with his puppets. "Dance Marionette dance," he’d say in his thick German accent. Pinocho’s story was used to name the spirit guide Jimney Cricket. Along with rule no. 8, he taught the following rules at this point:
    1. Listen to your instructions
    2. There is no room for error
    3. "The Game Timer", these were the specifics of how to move, the melted mirror, etc.
    4. There is a chain of command, the King’s men
    5. Your Master would chart your course
    6. You will receive orders, what to do, a memorized script to follow and fulfill
    7. The Creator and Master would always own you into infinity
    8. You are puppets on a string. "Dance Marionette dance. You are to speak only those words told to you, and to only speak those words when your string is pulled
    9. There is no room for questions
    10. The controller always plays the role of the White Rabbit. Dark side alters of a System are taught to know these rules as part of their being
Dr. Joseph Mengele (known as Dr. Green) carried a violin, which was used during programming. He programmed slaves to respond to the key word "Fiddler". During programming, the victim will be made to believe that all their insides have been removed and tape recorders placed into them and surgically hooked up. To the child being programmed this is real. This is part of the dehumanization process to protect them from spiritual growth and freedom. The programmers’ dehumanization parallels what is done in the army when the drill sergeant yells at the new recruits names such as "maggot" and "worm".

Porcelain Face Programming - The Porcelain Face Programming was already touched on earlier in chapters 2 & 7 when the fire tortures and Gatekeeper alters were written about. Fire torture and melted wax is used to make the child victim believe their face has been burned. Then the programmer generously gives the traumatized alters a porcelain mask. The alter getting the Porcelain face may be given a "gem" hypnotically like Jade and that becomes their secret name. There are several different methods that are available to lay in the porcelain face programming. There has been a great deal of porcelain casts made of people’s faces and then masks made of them. In fact, when a handler dies, at least in one case the replacement handler wore a mask to look like the previous handler. Human baby skin is used to construct a mask from the victim’s facial cast. A mask is worn by the Illuminati victim when they are married to the Anti-Christ. The Porcelain Masks are often part of the Camelot & Shakespeare programming. Another use of porcelain masks which was only experimented with was to place masks on Pawn alters which were used as alters who would guard things by scaring other alters with their fearful porcelain countenances. This programming has spiritual ramifications, because it is one of the programming methods to steal alters of their faces. The alters getting porcelain face programming will only see a porcelain face in the mirror until the programming is taken down. As long as the computer on their level is operating the programming to that alter will be intact.

Hearts Of Stone - The programmers leave no stone unturned when they strip the alters of a system of any vestige of humanity they might have. The programmers make the alters believe that the programmers have surgically removed their hearts & replaced them with a stone. To reinforce this programming the victim is hypnotized to fall into a deep trance if at any time the victim’s deeper alters are hooked up to anything monitoring the heart. If and when someone tried to prove that these alters have a heart by taking their pulse, they may be surprised when these alters trance deep enough that the machine doesn’t even read. This is how the programming keeps the lies safe from exposure. The Programmers will hypnotically take the hearts for a number of reasons. One is blackmail. They will promise to return the hearts, if the victim obeys, returns home to the cult when needed, and is present when the Anti-Christ needs the victim. It is doubtful these alters would get their hearts back by their cult considering all the false promises that are typically made. The Programmers will give the hearts to a queen mother alter for safekeeping. They may be hidden somewhere like in the Temple of Molech [MLK, ZDK is the dual play of the illusionary game].

The Temple of Molech in some survivors is used as a depository for memories of child sacrifices. It is not a place any alter could or would want to go in the internal world. In return, the Programmers give the victim stones, yes, hearts of stone. Stone-like protectors will stand guard in the background. Their voodoo doll appearance reflects the voodoo images that are built into Monarch Internal Worlds. By removing the victim’s hearts, it removes any chance that dark alters would have a soft warm spot in their heart for anyone. They will be told that they are incapable of having friends or of loving others. This is quite effective in separating these alters from others. That isolation is a part of the mind control. Because the alters believe they have no life source within themselves, that is no heart, they have to look to their master. If the master places his hand upon the victim’s chest they may feel alive. Because people need a heart to feel, alters are programmed to believe that they are incapable of feeling and have no feelings. They can not cry during their own suffering, and are encouraged to feel incapable of caring for the suffering of others. In spite of all the brutality and isolation of the programming, the alter’s humanity will lay in the background, but whether alters will ever acknowledge that humanity is a big question. If people ask these heartless alters to give their hearts to Jesus, they may be told that they don’t have one. In all covenants, something is given to the cult. In this case the victim’s hearts are (hypnotically) given to the satanic Master. There is a Keeper of the Seals who keeps the items given when a vow or covenant is made. If a person is a traitor to a vow, then the cult has an object to carry out voodoo or magic upon to punish the person. Monarch Mind-controlled slaves know their orders, and are locked into obedience.

Hypnotic Surgery - After the Programmers steal the deeper alters’ hearts, their identities, their free will, their real families, and their faces and their humanity, they are kind enough to sew back into the victim’s chest via hypnotic surgery black stones. They do all this surgery by hypnosis. Via hypnosis, the Programmers can heal the victim’s wounds after they torture the victim. They can basically make or remake reality to be what they want.

Source: Chapter 10

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