
Thursday, July 30, 2015

US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights 5/6

A Study of the History of US Intelligence Community Human Rights Violations and Continuing Research in Electromagnetic Weapons


MKULTRA was, however, neither the first nor the last project funded by government or industry to experiment on people in the name of some greater good. A quick review of the history of secret experimentation and medical atrocities reveals a pattern of deadly behavior The Tuskegee Experiments in 1932 cruelly condemned scores of black men to death from syphilis.66

The Pellagra Incident, in which millions died over two decades, in spite of the fact that the US Public Health Service knew at the time that these deaths were caused by little more than a niacin deficiency.67

In 1940 scientists exposed four-hundred prisoners in Chicago with malaria (a US experiment Nazis cited at the Nuremberg trials to defend their own experimentation).68

During WWII, Seventh Day Adventist conscientious objectors were enlisted into Operation Whitecoat by the US Army and the Adventist Church. They were told that they were being tested for defensive research purposes while the government was in fact testing offensive chemical and biological weapons.69

After WWII, matters became far worse for those who were caught up in the web of illegal scientific testing. In 1947 Colonel E.E. Kirkpatrick of the US Atomic Energy Commission issued a secret document stating that the agency would begin administering intravenous doses of radioactive substances to human subjects. At the same time atomic tests in which the residents of Utah and Nevada were purposely exposed to radioactive fallout. There were also a series of operations during the 1940s and 1950s in which US cities were attacked secretly by the military through the spread of biological agents in order to track their propagation through a real population.70

65 Project MKULTRA, The CIA’s Program of Research in Behavioral Modification, August 3, 1977, US Senate, Select Committee on Intelligence, and Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources.
66 Jean Heller (Associated Press), “Syphilis Victims in the US Study Went Untreated for 40 Years” New York Times, July 26, 1972: and VN Gamble, “Under the Shadow of Tuskegee: African Americans and Health Care.” American Journal of Public Health 7(1997):1773-1778.
67 Jon M. Harkness, “Prisoners and Pellagra”, Public Health Reports, Sep/Oct96, Vol. 111 Issue 5, p 463.
68 “They Were Cheap and Available: Prisoners as Research Subjects in Twentieth Century America.” British Medical Journal 315:1437.
69 Krista Thompson Smith, “Adventists and Biological Warfare”, Spectrum Magazine, Vol 25, no. 3, March 1996 and David R. Franz, DVM, PhD, Cheryl D. Parrott, Ernest T. Takafuji, MD, MPH, “The US Biological Warfare and Biological Defense Programs” in Medical Aspects of Chemical and Biological Warfare, Part 1; The Textbook of Military Medicine, Office of Surgeon General, Borden Institute 1997; p. 425-436.
70 Atomic Energy Commission Secret Memo by Kirkpatrick, E. E. Col. A January 8, 1947, This was a draft memo from Colonel Kirkpatrick, Acting Manager, Field Operations of AEC, to the AEC Berkeley Area Engineer, puts the AEC stamp on termination of human testing, while simultaneously revealing it was going on under the Manhattan Project-at the request of Oppenhiemer:
“Until the Atomic Energy Commission is able to consider sponsoring this type of experimentation, authorization cannot be given for the use of radioactive materials in human subjects under this contract.”
A more current report from the National Security Archives that clearly lays out the timeline and the assault by researchers on “subjects” can be found at ----“ Personal Statement from Elizabeth Zitrin, Attorney at Law Public Member of the Ad Hoc Committee on Radiation Experiments”. For information on biological warfare experiments a good starting place is : Biological Warfare: A Historical Perspective, by LTC George W. Christopher, USAF, MC; LTC Theodore J. Cieslak, MC, USA, MAJ Julie A. Pavlin, MC, USA, and LTC (P) Edward M. Eitzen Jr., MC, USA.—Operational Medicine Division, United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, Fort Detrick, Maryland, as posted at - Source: Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton, December 2006, Sonoma State University, Project Censored, Media Freedom Foundation, ProjectCensored Website, (READ MORE) #US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights, #electromagneticweapons, #HumanRights, #OSEH, #MindControl, #DEW